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蔡依林做过整形手术吗?Has Cai Yilin done plastic surgery?

那就是为什么我们有整形手术!That's why we have plastic surgery!

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你怎么看待整形手术?What do you think of plastic surgery?

我个人而言就不会去做整形手术了。that's not what I would do personally.

想瘦脸整形没效果。Plastic did not want to face-lift effect.

干洗机、整形机、清洁剂。Dry cleaning machine, finisher, detergent.

激光脱毛算整形手术么?。Is laser depilated calculate plastic surgery?

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它以量规值的形式引用MIB的整形数据和量规值。It refers to MIB integer and gauge values as gauge.

成都整形—西婵,用微笑点燃明天的希望。She says, using smile to burn the hope of tomorrow.

为什么鼻子整形在东北和西部占这么大比例?Why are noses so big in the Northeast and the West?

有一位美国妇女做了47次整形手术。There’s an American woman who has had 47 orthopedics.

只是东部有更多的鼻子整形医生。There are just more rhinoplasty surgeons on the coasts.

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但是现在,整形手术对一些人来说成了必需。But now plastic surgery has become a necessity for some.

鼻整形划时代革命——隆鼻也能来真的!The era of nasal plastic surgery-The nose can come true!

目的为探寻更精细的下面部轮廓整形方法。Objective To find a way for finer lower face re-contouring.

这儿所有那些做过整形手术的妇女们对我而言显然是年龄太大了哈。All the face-lifted women here are obviously too old for me.

路床整形采用刮平机,局部人工配合找平。Road-shaping machine used Guaping, local artificial leveling.

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它对男人身体的作用可能比整形师还要多。It probably does more for a man's body than a plastic surgeon.

这段管子及其支管都需要整形。The full length of this pipe and its branch have to be shaped.

或者是有那些有钱做很多整形手术的富人。or rich people who can afford to have lots of plastic surgery.