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锻炼你的爱犬。Exercise your dog.

你经常锻炼身体吗?Do you often exercise?

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你经常锻炼身体吗?Do you often work out?

我今天锻炼了吗?Have I exercised today?

根据美国运动医学学院的研究,患感冒时进行锻炼不会使病情加重。not make the cold worse.

别做乏味的锻炼。Don’t do boring exercise.

运动锻炼臂力。Exercises develop muscle.

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你锻炼如何奥芬?How Ofen do you exercise?

锻炼自律性。Practice self-discipline.

你应该多多锻炼。You should exercise more.

我每周进行一次健美操锻炼。I do aerobics once a week.

通过学习和锻炼。By studying and practicing.

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锻炼身体,讲究卫生。Do exercise and be hygiene.

~锻炼骨盆底。Exercise your pelvic floor.

我开始每天都锻炼。I began training every day.

你早晨做早操吗/锻炼吗?。Do you do morning exercises?

我是说锻炼身体的练习。I mean working-out practice.

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弗拉基米尔·普京锻不锻炼?Does Vladimir Putin work out?

那就去妊体育馆锻炼,保持你的好身材。Hit the gym and get in shape!

可适宜于交叉锻炼。It’s good for cross-training.