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这个计划非常详细。That was very detailed.

他详细论述了这个问题。He -fied on the subject.

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您能详细阐述一下吗?Can you elaborate on that?

你能详细跟我说下吗?Can you tell me in detail.

列个要买的食物详细登记单。Make a list of food to buy.

我们待会再详细说More about that in a while.

提供详细的工资单。Provide a de tailed payslip.

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他详细地查问了这事。He inquired closely about it.

详细的方扣标志。Logo detail on square buckle.

汤姆,能详细解释那一票吗?Care to explain that one, Tom?

他并没有详细说明是什么事。He didn't specify the matters.

我能问一下您的一些详细情况吗?Can I ask you for some details?

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资本性支出的详细情况。Detail of capital expenditures.

内容非常详细。Some of them are very detailed.

多伦道格拉斯的详细报道。Toren Douglas has more details.

手册上面有详细内容Yeah, this tells you in detail.

建立一个详细的会员名单Create detailed membership lists

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详细增肥方法。Fertilization methods in detail.

关于这个话题在第10章有详细介绍。More on this topic in Chapter 10.

希望有识之士前来详细洽谈!Detailed i ight hope to negotiate!