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她工作很懈怠。She slacked off in her work.

我好好把着风-别错怪我懈怠!Tis not my fault—I kept good watch—Alack!

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周一到周五每天都不能懈怠。It's the day-to-day work on Monday to Friday.

他站在南塔旁,全神贯注,丝毫不敢懈怠。He stood at full attention at the South Tower.

鲁国君臣整日前去观看,对国事就懈怠了。Lu, all went to watch for this state is slack.

他们才不会听我说话呢,’那么你的身体也会变得懈怠。They won't listen to me,' your body will shut down.

面对成绩,中集瑞江不敢有丝毫懈怠。In the face of success, CIMC-RUIJIANG has no inertia.

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他谴责政府的懈怠和自满。He accused the government of slackness and complacency.

确保你持续将精力集中到工作上并且没有懈怠。Make sure you stay focused at work and don’t slack off.

于是齐国军队认为鲁国胆小不敢进攻,便懈怠下来。Because of this, Qi thought Lu was timid and then relaxed.

人都是在原谅自己的那分钟开始懈怠。We start to slacken the minute we find excuses for ourself.

生活上的轻松和精神上的懈怠让我痛苦不已。Lives relaxed and in the spirit idles lets my pain not already.

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他努力治国,一点儿也不敢懈怠。He did his best to govern the country well without any slackness.

我虽然喜欢玩游戏,但是我在学习上却不曾懈怠。I like playing games, but I actually not once idled in the study.

懒惰使人沉睡,懈怠的人必受饥饿。Laziness brings on deep sleep, and the shiftless man goes hungry.

就这样日复一日,颜回每天专注在修行的功课上不曾一日懈怠。Day after day, Yan Hui focused on his practice and never loosed it.

在回狐牙峰的路上,众人稍有懈怠。In the back to fox tooth peak on the road, they slightly negligent.

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正是由于安全部队的懈怠,恐怖分子抓住了选举后期的平静机会。The terrorists may have exploited a post-election lull by security forces.

笔者还对我国现行法律制度中涉及专利懈怠行为的法律规定做了梳理。Author views the articles of chinese law which maybe involve patent laches.

懈怠疏忽而忘记了自身,灾祸就会发生。The misfortune will take place if we forget ourselves because of our laches.