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请限制配售不超过百分之三土葬空间。Please limit placements to no more than three per interment space.

我公司在西南地区设有两家批发门市部,两个配售中心。I am in the southwestern region with two wholesale shops, placing the two centres.

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这就是超过一半的上市房地产开发商通过私募资金,公募资金和股票配售来筹集资金的原因。This is why over one half of listed property developers have raised funds through private

目前包括LG和三星都在各自的LED背光液晶电视产品里配售自己的半导体芯片产品,这也是它们利润较其他厂商更丰厚的一个重要原因。Both LG and Samsung are placing their chips on LED-backlit TVs being future profit drivers.

参与网下配售的投资者应全额缴付申购款。The investors who are to participate in the off-line allotment shall fully pay the subscription price.

该公司又于二零零一年十月推出通过银行为配售代理发行零售债券的新安排。The HKMC introduced a new arrangement of issuing retail bonds through banks as placing agents in October.

二十年前,意大利的Luxottica集团——一个眼镜配售的先行者,发起了赠送光明组织。Italy's Luxottica Group, a leader in prescription eyewear, launched Give the Gift of Sight twenty years ago.

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以及外在因素,包括包销商股票配售能力和投资者对公司前景的看法。And external factors, including underwriters and investors in the company stock placement capabilities prospects.

一些机构可能吸纳部分私人投资,或开展小规模定向配售,以克服迫在眉睫的问题.Some of them might take some private investments or do small private placements to tide over the immediate problem.

该三间配售银行将担任市场庄家,于办公时间内为该两组按揭证券公司债券报价,所报的买入价为实价。The three placing banks will act as market makers to quote firm bid prices for the two hkmc notes during office hours.

超额配售权是股票承销商在股票上市后的一个月内为了限制股价波动而使用的一种工具。The overallotment option is a tool used by underwriters to limit volatility in a stock's price for a month after it lists.

这家以亚洲为重心的银行在宣布这项股票配售的同时,公布了其超出分析师预期的前六个月公司财务报告。The Asia-focused bank announced the share placing alongside results for the last six months that beat analyst expectations.

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这项新技术的产品将是一个集所有功能于一身的包装解决方案,制造商的选择,配售及码垛的需要。The new technology product will be an all-in-one packaging solution for manufacturers' picking, placing and palletizing needs.

中国光大银行已经募集了189亿元,若行使超额配售选择权将增加28亿元。Everbright Bank has raised 18.9 billion yuan, and could raise another 2.8 billion yuan if it exercises an overallotment option.

现由于零售部份获得超额认购,有关之配售将结合按比例分配及抽签进行。As the retail portion has been over-subscribed, allocation will be done through a combination of prorata allocation and balloting.

而新股发行制度的改革,管理层谈得更多的也是询价制度的改革以及网下配售制度的改革。The new distribution system reform, the management is more talk of reform and inquiry system network system reform under the Placing.

巴克莱资本是这次IPO的独家承销商.承销售超额配售权为最高137万股.Barclays Capital was the sole book runner for the offering. Underwriters have an over-allotment option to purchase up to 1.37 million shares.

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配售银行将担任市场庄家,于办公时间内为该三组按揭证券公司债券报买入实价直至债券到期日。The placing banks will act as market makers to quote firm bid prices for the three hkmc notes during office hours until the maturity of the bonds.

在核准制条件下,上网定价发行和市值配售这两种不同的发行方式下新股初始收益率的影响因素表现特征有所不同。Under these two IPO methods and in the condition of issuing by sanction, the features of the influence on the rate of initial profit are different.

新兴的汽车摄像头安全应用正在以惊人的速度增长,这些应用的配售率一直在上升。Emerging automotive camera-based safety applications are growing at astounding pace and the attach rate for these applications has been on the rise.