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新出生率与去年相比有所下降。The new birthrate has decreased from last year's.

战争导致出生率下降。The war brought about a reduction in the birth-rate.

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德国的人口老化,出生率下降。Germany's population is ageing, and the birth rate falling.

随着中国的老龄化,低出生率现象将难以逆转As China Ages, Birthrate Policy May Prove Difficult to Reverse

所有这些族群出生率将继续维持在平均以上。All of these groups continue to have above-average birth rates.

第一,高出生率不可能在一夜之内就被改变。First, high birthrates cannot be altered substantially overnight.

人们反对这一看法来自于出生率的下降。The fall of birthrate resulted in people's objection to the idea.

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人们反对这一看法来自于出生率的下降。The resistance to the idea is caused by the falling of birthrates.

食物竞争的减少,刺激了出生率和存活力。Reduction of competition for food stimulates both natality and survival.

有几个因素已经被援引来解释出生率的降低。Several factors have been adduced to explain the fall in the birth rate.

一旦国家繁荣起来,已经下降的出生率很少会再度上升。Murray said. Once countries prosper, fallen birthrates rarely rise again.

欧洲的出生率也并不比亚洲的高多少。European birthrates are not that much higher than Asian birth rates either.

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疾病控制中心的研究并没有探究出为什么青少年出生率总是处于低比率状态。The CDC study did not explore why the teen birth rate is at an all-time low.

世界野生动物基金会宣布这种动物的数量因其出生率低还在下降中。The World Wildlife Fund says numbers are declining because of low birthrates.

月圆时应该会有更高的犯罪、死亡及出生率。More crimes, deaths, and births are also supposed to happen during a full moon.

或许最明显、也最引人警惕的标志,是私生子的出生率。Perhaps the most telling—and alarming—indicator is the out-of-wedlock birth rate.

发达国家的出生率的普遍降低被轻易抵消。This has easily offset the general decline in the birthrate of advanced countries.

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高龄人群可能会导致低出生率和更多的出生并发症。They're more likely to have children of low birth rate and more birth complications.

我不认为这是日本的首要问题。日本人出生率下降才是个大问题。I don't think this is Japans primary problem. Japans falling birthrate is the problem.

人口普查局说,除了非洲之外,世界各地的出生率近来已有所下降。The census bureau says birthrates have dropped in every area of the world except africa.