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请在第三个十字街口停下来。Please stop at the third crossing.

他的车在十字街口处突然转弯了。His car swung round at the crisscross.

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我们必须在下一个街口调转车头。We must make a turn at the next street.

即使只有几个街口之遥,入夜后搭计程车是唯一选择。Your only option at night is to take a taxi.

我们必须在下一条街口转弯。We must make a turn at the next cross street.

在进街口以前,他又往后望了一眼。Before entering it he cast a glance behind him.

你就会发现街口上有一个地铁入口。You'll find a subway entrance right on the corner.

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警察在十字街口管理交通。The policeman regulated traffic at the intersection.

沿着新华路走,在第一条街口向左拐。Go along Xinhua Street and turn left at the first street.

两匹白马拖着一辆公共马车从那街口经过。An omnibus with two white horses passed the end of the street.

这个时候,他看见有一辆单人马车停在波尼丽街口。At this moment he saw a cab at the top of the Faubourg Poissonniere.

事故在哪儿发生的?在B街麦普街口。A. Where did the accident happen?At the corner of Maple and B Street.

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魏公祠遗址址在今西关西街口路北。Wei Gongci ruins site in this western port clearance West northbound.

到了勃鲁维尔街街口,人群已不再前进。At the entrance to the Rue des Prouvaires, the crowd no longer walked.

基地位于广州市老城区的一个十字街口。The site is located in a crossroads in a historical district in Guangzhou.

我徘徊在十字街口,看着影子孤独的行走!I paced up and down on the crossroad, seeing my shadow walking solitarily !

卡罗琳说,“但在你回家前,首先,我们要去看看水仙花,只离这几个街口,我来开车。"But first we're going to see the daffodils. It's just a few blocks, " Carolyn said.

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人们仿佛听到街口有许多人呼吸的声音。It seemed as though the breathing of many men could be heard at the end of the street.

在街口过马路要留意,有时候车会突然间驶过来。Look out when you cross the street at the corner. Cars sometimes come around suddenly.

五马街口雕塑边上的天一角食街小吃很有名气。Tianyijiao Food Street besides the sculpture on crossing of Wuma Street is very famous.