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我等不及了!I can’t wait!

B是的,我都等不及了。BYes, I can’t wait.

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好棒,我等不及了!Great, I can't wait!

我等不及要开始运动了!I can't wait to start.

等不及地就想头发长了。I have a long-hair dream.

斯尼非简直等不及了!Sniffy could hardly wait!

韩佳,我都等不及了。Han Jia, I just can't wait.

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我等不及要去溜直排轮了。I can wait to roller-skate.

我等不及要去溜直排轮了。I can't wait to roller-skate.

能不克不及请你帮我带一个卤汁皿?。Could you bring me a gravy boat?

等不及看下一集了!I can't wait till the next ep. !

我急不及待想再去品尝更多的俄国菜。I can't wait to go back for more.

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我的英语不及他。My English cannot compare with his.

都等不及想吃那些小吃了。Can’t wait to sample all the snacks.

在本为肝肾不及。In this for hepatorenal is inferior.

等不及想听狂想曲了。Can't wait to listen to the fantasia!

我等不及下一个下雪天的来临了。I can't wait until the next snow day.

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这辆自行车不及那辆好。This bike is not so good as that one.

结婚太急,后悔不及。Marry yin haste and repent atl Eisure.

只能顶升,不克不及作支撑东西。Only the top or not and support tools.