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Mucuna是一种草本类蔬菜。Mucuna is a herbaceous vegetable.

小蜜蜂欧芹草本抗痘露。Burt's Bees Parsley Blemish Stick.

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草本伟哥,yohimbix8,yohimbeHerbal viagra, yohimbix8, and yohimbe

一年生草本根圆锥形或具刺。Herbs annual. Roots conic or spinose.

这种洗发露含有草本精华。This shampoo contains herbal essence.

留兰香是多年生草本芳香植物。Metha spicata L. is a perennial aromatic plant.

不含酒精草本配方,儿童喜爱的口感!Alcohol-Free Herbal Supplement Kids Love the Taste!

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一年生草本,没有一根状茎。Herbs perennial, usually with a conspicuous rhizome.

一个非洲丛生美丽的草本属,有禾草状叶。A small bunch or bundle, as of straw, hair, or grass.

草本茶叶不应该与那些经过水煮的中药混淆。Teas are not to be confused with herbs boiled in water.

各种草本纤维植物都可以作为原料。Various herbaceous fibers all can act as raw materials.

草本约1厘米高,疏生或近无毛。Herbs ca. 1 cm tall, sparsely short hispid or subglabrous.

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鹿蹄草属植物为常绿多年生小型草本状半灌木。Pyrola is an evergreen perennial herbage-shaped half-shrub.

本科植物多为芳香性的草本,也有灌木和乔木。Most species are herbaceous, but a few are shrubs and trees.

但是这种草本伟哥不适用于神经质人群。But this herbal Viagra isn't for those of nervous disposition.

在非洲的农民将一种寄生草本称作独脚金。Farmers in Africa call the striga plant by the name witchweed.

喝一杯草本茶以放松身体,比如白菊花茶。Have a cup of herbal tea, such as chamomile, to relax your body.

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它是一年生草本,具卵形托叶和无毛的花丝筒部。It is an annual with ovate stipules and a glabrous filament tube.

另里一风车窗中,灰绿色彩草本连绵没有决,四高外非整治的罂粟。Beyond the other rolled a grey-green savannah, gashed with poppies.

北美的一种多年生草本,鳞茎细,花带白色。North American perennial having a slender bulb and whitish flowers.