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拐角处有一家药铺。There is a drugstore around the corner.

穆爱民家在沙河市经营一家药铺。Buyer Mu Aimin's family runs a pharmacy in the city of Shahe.

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每一个屯都有自己的生活系统药铺、银店、杂货店。Each village has its own medicine shop, silver shop and store.

藏在一格一格药铺盒子里的,卖的则是不流逝的光阴与神奇的美丽配方。Within the gridded boxes are never-ending time and beautification ingredients.

话聊间,正定带着被子来到药铺,两人为谁拿被子进屋而互相推让。Talk, definite with the quilt came to herb, two people who take the quilt inside each other sometime.

骡夫们于是想探听这个行善人家的情形,可是罗大只告诉他们说,他家主人是一家药铺的东家。The drivers tried to pry out of Lota information about the family. Lota merely told them that his master was an owner of medicine shops.

王小红在梅家药铺开了西医诊所,她医术高超,玉屏县庶民称誉她是“红娘子”下凡。WangXiaoGong plum home in western medicine clinic opened herb, her superb skill, jade screen county enjoys her crime is "red niang son" himself.

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如果没有卫生所,当地人就只能使用传统的医疗方法,或求助于常常销售过期或不当药物的私人药铺。Without a health clinic, local people use traditional healers, or resort to private pharmacies where expired or inappriate drugs are often sold.

有比没有钱去面包铺买面包更恼人的事,那便是没有钱去药铺买药。There is one thing sadder than having no money with which to buy bread at the baker's and that is having no money to purchase drugs at the apothecary's.

有比没有钱去面包铺买面包更恼人的事,那便是没有钱去药铺买药。There is one thing sadder than having no money with which to buy bread at the baker's and that is having no money to purchase drugs at the apothecary 's.

何秀心有不甘,不打算继续住在这个房子里,于是她收拾好包裹,拖家带口来到陈记药铺找耀哥,说要住在药铺里。He Xiuxin has not, do not intend to continue to live in the house, so she packed and family to find Chen Ji a Yao brother, said to have lived in the pharmacy.

现在随便什麽人只花一点钱,就能在药铺买到各种特效药,但在康熙帝国、雍正王朝,很可能连皇帝放弃半壁江山也买不到。Nowadays we pay a little to get a magic remedy which the emperors of the Qing Dynasty could not get, even if they were willing to pay half the kingdom for it.

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当日农历腊月初八,上海城隍庙豫园商城里的一家老字号药铺开煮几大锅腊八粥,给市民免费品尝。Caldrons of "Laba Porridge", which is made from dozens of ingredients, were served freely for local citizens by a pharmacy in Chenghuang Temple in Shanghai on the Laba Festival on Saturday.