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我祖父母也住在那里。My grandparents live there too.

我的祖父母仍旧健在。My grandparents are still living.

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或许是个祖父母,抑或是一个婶婶这样说?Perhaps a grandparent or an aunt?

我祖父母住在广州。My grand-parents live in Guangzhou.

想想你的曾祖父母吧。Think about your great grandparents.

是的,我的祖父母也住在那里。Yes, my grandparents live there too.

但是你的曾祖父母已经过世。But your great grandparents are gone.

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我的祖父母起着自行车去曲堂。My grand father took a bike to Qu Tang.

你祖父母每天去游泳吗?Your grandparents go swimming every day?

明天我要去看望祖父母。E. g. I'm visiting my grandparents tomorrow.

上周末,我们拜望了祖父母。Last weekend, we called on our grandparents.

就是我们的祖父母擅长做的事儿。That thing our grandparents were so good at?

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没有祖父母会为我自豪地站起来。I had no grandparent to stand proudly for me.

所以我回到我的祖父母家。So I've been back to my Grand-Parents' house.

杨林的祖父母正给他打电话。Yang Lin's grandparents are giving him a call.

我的祖父母用厨馀喂猪。My grandparents feed their pigs with leftovers.

你怎麽可以那样无礼地对祖父母讲话?。How can you cheek your grandparents in that way?

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他的父亲知道这一点,可他的祖父母仍然宠着他。His father knew it, but his grandma doted on him.

我的祖父母从中国移居到美国。My grandparents immigrated to the USA from China.

我父母是晶晶和苏兰的祖父母。My parents are Jingjing and Sulan's grandparents.