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我要消愁解闷。I"ll drown my sorrows."

你可用唱歌解忧消愁!You can sing your cares away!

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汤姆用一杯葡萄酒消愁。Tom washed down his trouble with a glass of port.

他觉得毫无疑问,她一定为了消愁解闷才做新闻工作的。He was sure she must be doing newspaper work as a lark.

反问一句,借酒真的能消愁吗?Let us think about it, can wine really drown the sorrows?

另一个大好策略是帮人消愁解闷。Another great strategy is to help others feel good about themselves.

加里开始每天放学回家就吸食大麻,以此消愁。Gary started out by going home and weeding out everyday after school.

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李渔的戏曲创作宗旨就是博人一笑,替人消愁。The purpose of Li Yu's writing was to raise a laugh and to eliminate worries.

然而专家们说,在很多情况下,超重的喵星人和汪星人都是在“借食消愁”。But experts say that in many cases obese dogs and cats are 'emotional eaters'.

自从梅歌甩了强克后,强克到酒吧喝酒消愁。After Megan dumped Chuck, Chuck went to the bar to drown his sorrows over beer.

为了消愁,他站起身,加入到正喝酒的几个朋友中去,和他们聊天。For relief, he arose and joined in conversation with a few friends who were drinking.

唉,如果你今晚不肯来陪我,我就只好呆在家里借洒消愁了。Well, if you won't come with me tonight I'll just have to stay home and cry in my beer.

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自格林先生的妻子死于车祸后,他就以威士忌酒来消愁。When his wife was killed in an auto accident, Mr. Green tried to drown his sorrows in whiskey.

问君能有几多愁,恰似一江春水向东流。抽刀断水水更流,举杯消愁愁更愁。Q-how can worry about, like a spring river flows eastward. Lash the waves water, drinking more unhappiness.

在李渔的观念中,“传奇原为消愁设”,戏曲的主要功用是娱乐消愁。In Li Yu's opinion, Chinese opera was performing-works for entertaining. Entertainment was its main function.

快要考试的时候,举重真的消愁解闷,再说对身体和精神都很好。When you're about to have exams, lifting weights really does relieve stress, and it's also good for your mind and body.

举例来说,有人藉酒消愁、看电视、听歌或去看斗牛、斗鸡、斗狗的比实以解忧。For instance someone drinking out of depression, watching T. V. , listening to songs or going to the races out of depression.

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我觉得遛狗是消愁解闷。遛狗让我减轻了压力并使我充满活力,心情愉悦。I feel that walking my dog relieves stress and is a relaxing pastime. When I walk my dog, my body feels replenished and rejuvenated.

举例来说,有人藉酒消愁、看电视、听歌或去看斗牛、斗鸡、斗狗的比实以解忧。For instance someone drinking out of depression, watching T. V. , listening to songs or going to the races out of depression. It increases the depression, increases suffering, rather than solves it.