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热土司砰的一声从烤面包机中跳起。The hot toast popped up in the toaster.

我们爱着脚下的这片热土。We loved this piece of land at the foot.

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堪萨斯州算不上生态主义的热土。Kansas is hardly a hotbed of eco-activism.

栖霞是一片充满生机和希望的投资热土。Qixi a is a lifeful pl a ce, full of hope.

福州是中国漆艺成长的热土。Fuzhou is the wonder land for Chinese lacquer art.

秦州是一片充满希望与活力的开放开发热土。Qinzhou is a hopeful and dynamic development of open land.

难道仅仅只是因为他恰好生活在老子曾经生活过的那片热土吗?Is it merely because he was born in the land where Lao-tzu once lived ?

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如今,这片热土早已是天翻地覆,龙腾虎跃。Today, this piece of land of has long been turned upside down, hustle and bustle.

中国和非洲都是人类文明的发祥地,都是充满希望的热土。Both China and Africa are cradles of human civilisation and lands of great promise.

沙妩诺女士从3年前刚刚踏上中国这片热土的时候就开始其研究。Shavrova started working on the project when she first came to China nearly 3 years ago.

今天的非洲,已是一片充满生机和希望的热土。Today's Africa, already was a hot earth that is full of opportunity of survival and hope.

南雄民风淳朴、社会稳定、政治清明,是一方投资的热土。Nanxiong simple and sincere, social stability, political Ching Ming, is a party investment.

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但从一个更广泛的意义上说,我们不能捐献、不能圣化、不能神化这片热土。But in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate, we cannot consecrate, we cannot hallow this ground.

戎马倥偬的年代,这一方热土,曾经为中国的革命付出了多么昂贵的代价。Army horse era, the land side, once for the Chinese revolution, how to pay the expensive price.

它是一块绝无仅有的创新热土,是高科技、生物科技以及眼下的清洁科技梦寐以求的圣地。It's also an unparalleled engine of innovation, the mecca of high tech, biotech and now clean tech.

因此,越来越多的荷兰企业将注意力转移到了东北这片热土。Therefore, more and more Netherlandish enterprises transfers their attentions to the hot northeast land.

东方热土滋养了五千年的华夏文明、孕育了灿若星河的陶瓷文化。The eastern hot land nourishes the 5000 years of Chinese civilization and bears splendid ceramic culture.

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热土豆路由在路由器从不等待,任意选择一个空闲的端口进行发送,但却有活锁问题。Hot-potato router can arbitrarily choose one free output port without waiting, but it has the problem of livelock.

勇敢无畏的人们——死或生,谁曾为此战斗过、奋斗过都已经将这片热土圣化了,是我们微薄之力所不能远远企及的。The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated far above our poor power to add or to detract.

在两座壮健的山岗之间,有热土般的求欢之夜,和有如开着花朵的平原般的冷静判断。There were the wooing nights of tropical lands and the cool discretion of flowering plains between two stalwart hills.