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先是苍白,而后粉墨登场。And, white first, grow incarnadined, because.

在公共互联网接入点的舞台创建当中,许多演员粉墨登场。There were a number of actors that created PIAPs.

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这是否意味着卓尔不同的同志文化要粉墨登场呢。Does that spell the end of a distinctive gay culture?

经过了一个世纪的内战,德川幕府粉墨登场。The Tokugawa shogunate arose after over a century of civil war.

经过几个月的筹备,我们终于要粉墨登场了!After months of preparation, we are finally presenting our show!

过后不久,其它形式的文化垃圾也纷纷粉墨登场。It didn't take long for other accoutrements of trash culture to surface.

经过以往的大肆宣传,无线网状网服务07年将在本地区粉墨登场。After much hype, 2007 will be the year where wireless mesh services will emerge in Asia.

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他解除了束缚灵魂的咒符,最后让所有的激情粉墨登场。He breaks the spell chaining that soul, and at last the passions can rush onto their stage.

而为了化身小丑,周董可说是粉墨登场,化了个时尚版的“烟熏小丑妆”。In order to clown incarnation, Jay stage is, of a fashion version of the "smoke clown makeup."

叫做乔布斯的家伙粉墨登场,从传统出版业抢来份额创立了新的市场。The guy called Steve is out to create a new market from several old ones traditionally called publishing.

伫立凝望,星河湾唱响之“魅力山西”即将于此拉开帷幕,粉墨登场。Standing and gazing at it, I acclaim how spectacular it is to see Charming Shanxi to unveil at Star River.

当其他文学形式还在“磨磨蹭蹭”的时候,诗歌早已“粉墨登场”投入“战斗”了。While other literary forms are still "dallying" when the poem has long been "on stage" input "battle" of the.

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上好妆,另一齣戏又将开演,喇叭花从九岁粉墨登场以来,一「生」都是戏。Make- up ready and all set for another show, Daffodil has devoted her life to the stage since the age of nine.

现在设想原架构师在一年后离开了该项目,新的架构师粉墨登场。Now imagine that the original architect has left the project after a year, and a new architect comes on board.

在威尼斯嘉年华期间,这座知名水都里尽是粉墨登场的派对与庆祝活动。The Venice carnival is a time of masquerade parties and celebrations throughout the famous city built over water.

该片云集了中国众多明星,他们中许多人只出演了配角,担当曾在历史舞台上粉墨登场的政治人物。It features a cavalcade of Chinese stars, many in cameo roles as political figures who played their part in history.

取而代之,6月初在德国北部汉堡的圣保利俱乐部的场地,狂野杯粉墨登场了。It is owned by FIFA. Instead, the Wild Cup was staged in early June at St Pauli's ground in Hamburg, Northern Germany.

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就在这个月,这些产品将在巴黎时尚盛宴上粉墨登场,并与纽约热点形成鲜明区隔。And just this month, the products that the Parisian boutique Colette produced with Gap sold like hot croissants in New York.

当祷告渐近尾声时,四位黑衣男子抬着一顶简朴的木制担架粉墨登场,担架上托着圣詹姆斯的油漆雕像。As the prayers draw to a close, four men dressed in black raise a rustic wooden litter holding a painted statue of Santiago.

当从摇篮到坟墓的营销攻势已经成为美国人生活的一部分时,登峰造极的要数好莱坞大片的粉墨登场。While cradle-to-grave marketing is now a fact of American life, it seems to peak around the release of a Hollywood blockbuster.