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大卫·德·昂热正试制大理石粉。David d'Angers was trying to work in marble.

很多新品已试制出来了。A number of new products have been trial-produced.

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同时,在实验室进行了样品的试制。Also, the sample has been pre-produced in the lab.

这家工厂现正试制一种新产品。The factory is now trying to manufacture a new model.

该缝纫机已试制成功。The machine has been trial-manufactured successfully.

新产品试制生产推广应用等。Promotion of new product trial production applications.

1973年,试制成功针织尼龙宽紧带。In 1973, a successful trial with a tight knit nylon wide.

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这种机器试制成功后开始大批生产销售。A new seeding machine has been successfully trial-produced.

为试制这种产品,我们需要某些价值昂贵的材料。To trial-produce this product, we need some costly materials.

许多新产品已试制成功。A number of new products have been successfully trial-produced. ?

消息传来,说有一个年轻学生在试制一部机器织布机。News came to us that some young student was trying to make a power loom.

投片试制结果与设计预期参数相符。Experimental results show a good consilience with the designed parameters.

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通过工艺试制,优化设计后的热收口模具明显提高了使用寿命。The life of die after optimization is obviously increased by process test.

根据零件图试制双台肩钻具接头,对其进行上卸扣试验和水压密封测试。We manufacture the tool joint, make the seal test and make-and-break test.

就是有天大的困难,我们也要把这种产品试制成功。It is a new kind of concrete reinforcing product which is made of PP material.

利用该装置试制了多种铝合金材料的喷射成形试样。Some samples were made with it with various kinds of aluminium-alloy material.

他们成功地试制了一种名为海鹰的海军快艇。They succeeded in the trial production of a fast naval vessel named sea eagle.

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试制一种新型的清热解暑保健饮料。In the research, a new type of heat-clearing health-care beverage was prepared.

经过对该设备试制、试验结果表明,完全适合高水分鲜食玉米穗剥皮。The test results show that it can work well for high moisture sweet corn husking.

介绍了韶钢E36级海洋平台用钢产品试制的情况。The trialprodction of Shaogang offshore platform plate in grade E36 was introduced.