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罗伯茨插嘴说。Roberts interjected.

亚历克斯又突然插嘴。Alex interjected again.

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你为什么总插嘴?Why do you keep chiming in?

"你错了."苏珊插嘴说."You're wrong," interjected Susan.

别人在说话时,插嘴是不礼貌的。It’s impolite to interrupt a speaker.

她突然插嘴提了个可笑的异议。She broke in with a ridiculous objection.

他对女士的插嘴感到恼火。He was annoyed by what the woman bunged in.

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在我还没有说完之前就插嘴Interrupts me before I finish what I'm saying

“但是她不产奶”马奇插嘴反驳道。"But she didn't give milk," Madge interrupted.

别人说话时他总爱插嘴。He always cuts in while other people are talking.

“他要来了。”坐在沙发上的托拜厄斯插嘴说。"He is coming, " interjected Tobias from the sofa.

最近,他总是在老师讲课的时候插嘴。Recently, he always cut in when the teacher talked.

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“哦,那‘断开’是什么?”罗伯茨插嘴说。“Well, what is disconnection?” Roberts interjected.

“不,”她插嘴道,“我那天肯定忙着读你写给我的信!”“No,” she interjected. “I will be too busy reading!”

“他可能中了夺魂咒。”乔治插嘴道。"He could be under the Imperius Curse, " said George.

在别人讲话时插嘴是不礼貌的。It is not polite to interrupt when someone is talking.

“他不来了,”我插嘴说,撒了个谎。He's not coming,' I interposed, framing a bit of a lie.

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你为什么总要在谈话中插嘴?Why must you always come barging into the conversation?

请原谅我插嘴,我有点补充。Excuse me for interrupting, but I have something to add.

别人谈话时插嘴是不礼貌的。It is impolite to butt into other people's conversation.