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分析座标到街名。Resolves coordinates to street names.

控制项的高度,使用容器的座标。The height of the control, in container coordinates.

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控制项的左上角,使用容器座标。The upper left of the control, in container coordinates.

正交曲线座标。讨论作业2。Orthogonal Curvilinear Coordinates. Questions on Homework 2.

实验曲线几乎与横座标平行。The experimental curve runs nearly parallel to the abscissa.

实验曲线几乎与模座标平行。The experimental curve runs nearly parallel to the abscissa.

薄剪力层座标,边界条件,剪力层种类。TSL Coordinates. Boundary Conditions. Shear Layer Categories.

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在这篇论文里,我们为果蝇脑定义一个座标系统。In this thesis, we define a coordinate system for the Drosophila brain.

你可以用基因座标以及直系同源基因清单来找到这些基因。You can find these genes using gene coordinates and lists of orthologs.

因为共有四次反射,出射的像将是右手座标系。Since there are four reflections, the exiting image will be right-handed.

习惯上最常使用的笛卡儿座标系统是右手。It is conventional for most cartesian coordinate systems to be right-handed.

翘曲座标值,仍以计算公式表示之。The values of warping coordinates is still expressed in the calculating formulas.

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论述了质点系相对于随质心一起作平动的座标系的动力学规律。Discusses the dynamic theorem of mass system relative to centre of mass moving in a plane.

本文介绍了微机控制四座标联动铣床的功能和技术指标。This paper presents the functions of four co-ordinate joint miller and its specifications.

图78中应力-应变数据的一个重要情况是在双对数座标上图线的直线性。An important aspect of the stressstrain data in Fig. 78 is the linearity of the log-log plots.

按该模型编制的CASTA-1程序能求解直角座标系的三维方程组。CASTA-1 code using this model solves the three-dimensional equations in rectangular coordinates.

我们最好不要将未完成式视为一具体时式,而是视之为一参考性质的时间座标。Instead of considering the imperfect tense as a specific tense, consider it as a time reference.

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用特殊的螺旋座标求出了该系统的静电场分布。The electrostatic field distribution is obtained by means of a particular helix coordinate system.

本文分析了桥式三座标测量机的系统误差。This paper analyses the systematic error of three coordinate measuring machine of bridge type construction.

卡氏座标中的运作是可换的,而三维空间中的旋转是不可换的。Operations with Cartesian coordinates in space are commutative, but rotations over three dimensions are not.