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他身材矮小。He is short in stature.

要提防身材矮小的摄影师。Beware of short cameramen.

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医生,医生,我觉得好矮小!Doctor, doctor, I feel so short!

他是一个哀怜的身段矮小的人。He is a miserable little person.

刘明是我的化学老师,他是一位相貌平常、个子矮小的人,戴着一副深度眼镜。Liu Ming is my chemistry' teacher.

长颈鹿高高的,鹿是矮小的。The giraffe is tall. The deer is short.

伟大的灵魂常寓于矮小的身躯。A little body often harbours a great soul.

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马格西博格体格实在是矮小,身高只是有一米六。Mugsy is a real shrimp--only 1.6 meters tall.

伟除夜的心灵常寓于矮小的身躯当中。A little body doth often harbour a great soul.

保罗谢尔曼耶尔身材矮小,动作敏捷,站得笔挺。Paul sherman yale was small, spry and upright.

她比我想象的要矮小瘦弱。She was smaller and slighter than I had imagined.

矮小的网脉鸢尾与番红花一起开花。The dwarf iris reticulata blooms withthecrocuses.

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如果你个子矮小,而且是位男士,那就不要生气。If you are small and male, anger is to be avoided.

矮小的网脉鸢尾与番红花一起开花。The dwarf iris reticulata blooms with the crocuses.

最矮小的钻机则只有65尺或20米高。The shortest are about 65 feet, or 20 metres, high.

相比之下燃料作物可以其貌不扬或发育矮小。Crops for fuel, in contrast, can be ugly or stunted.

尤达或许矮小,但他却充满了有益的建议。Small Yoda may be, but full of helpful advice is he.

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这位身材矮小、大腹便便的壮年人婚姻十分美满。The short, potbellied little man was happily married.

因为个子矮小,“土豆”是他青年时期的诨号。Being short, he got the nickname "potato" in his youth.

当地人大多是扎颇泰克人,个子矮小,皮肤黧黑。Local people are mostly Zapotec. Their skin was darker.