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今天要回老家祭拜外公。Return home today to worship grandfather.

其实俺每个月都有回老家看看家里人。I actually go home each month to visit my family.

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这些傻东西这阵儿又想回老家啦。They are wanting to get home again, the stupid toads!

我们把敌人打得夹着尾巴逃回老家了。We sent the enemy home with their tails between their legs.

卢炜是湖南人,已经八年没回老家了。A native of the province, he hasn't been home for eight years.

陈红,你回来了。听说你回老家了。Chen Hong, you're back. I heard you went back to your hometown.

许多人在春季期间都要回老家过年,跟朋友碰碰头,聚个餐。Many of them travel back home and meet friends over dinner and drinks.

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没有特别的计划,就是回老家跟家人在一起。Nothing special. I will go back to my hometown and stay with my family.

每年四月清明的时候,我们都要起早驱车回老家扫墓。Every year in April to clear when, we have to drive back home early graves.

其实我的父母还住在我长大的老家,所以对我来说回老家很容易。My parents actually still live in the home I grew up in, so it’s easy for me.

虽然他很忙,他信守了诺言,几乎挂了电话就上了回老家的飞机。As busy as he was, he kept his word. Jack caught the next flight to his hometown.

今天回老家,经过30分钟的自行车旅程,和一路的艰辛终于到达了。I went back to my hometown today. It takes me 30minutes to arrive there by bike hard.

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已有一年多时间没有回老家了,这次我特意就着清明节,回了一趟老家。It has been more a year since I left home. It is in the Tomb-sweeping day that I came back home.

木兰仍旧放心不下父亲,而且她已经很久没见父亲,她决定回老家一趟。Magnolia still can not father, and her father have long time no see, she decided to return home.

肖杰银说那天他坐车回老家过年,在车上才发现包掉了。Xiao Jie, Yin said him home the day of Chinese New Year, in the car only to find out the package.

经理准许他休假回老家探视染病在床的祖母。The manager released him to return to his native town to visit his grandmother who was ill in bed.

后来,黄元帅转业回老家当了一名88路公交车司机。Later, yellow marshal be transferred to civilian work answered native place to become a 88 buses driver.

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七妹把本人的工钱拿出来给强生想让强生回老家去探望爹娘。Seven younger sister take out your own wages to father and mother want go home to visit Johnson Johnson.

只要稍稍再瞄低一点点——哪怕那些坦克是躲在沙堤后面也会被炮弹轰回老家。Just a matter of aiming a bit lower- even if the tanks were behind sand berms the shots were hitting home.

姚先生告诉常玉,自己让常叔准备了一些银子,让她在路上用,希望常玉可以回老家!Mr Yao told sanyu, yourself often uncle prepared some money, she used in the road, hope sanyu can go home!