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在一次燃烧弹袭击中有五家店铺被烧毁。Five shops were damaged in a firebomb blitz.

燃烧弹和手榴弹效果也很好,但要注意。Napalm or grenades can also be effective, but be careful!

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他说,罢工工人向警方投掷燃烧弹还击。Strikers fought back, hurling firebombs at police, he said.

它的抗议民众决定不使用石块或者燃烧弹。Its protesters are determined not to use rocks or firebombs.

胶化汽油燃烧弹的范围是5码,所以至少要散开5码以上。The range on Napalm Blast is 5 yards, so spread out at least that much.

此外,当天上午,一枚燃烧弹摧毁了属于另一个研究员的汽车。Also that morning, a firebomb destroyed a car belonging to another researcher.

枪手先向其住宅投放燃烧弹,然后埋伏在附近,等到房子里的人外逃时,才开枪射击。Gunmen firebombed their house and lay in wait as they fled, before opening fire.

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几处难民营受到极右翼分子的燃烧弹攻击而熊熊燃烧起来。Several refugee hostels have gone up during firebomb attacks by right-wing extremists.

法新社报道,有人朝使馆投掷燃烧弹引发爆炸。Agence France-Presse reported that someone threw firebombs exploded toward the embassy.

我吃的是铁丝网,尿的是燃烧弹,我能从300米外打穿一只跳蚤的屁股。I eat concertina, piss napalm, and I can shoot a round through a flea's ass at 300 meters.

军方公布了巴勒斯坦青年使用弹弓以及向军队扔掷燃烧弹的照片。It released photos of Palestinian youths using slingshots and throwing a firebomb at troops.

有小批抗议者与防暴警察发生正面冲突,投掷石块和燃烧弹。Smaller groups of protesters have engaged riot police directly, hurling stones and firebombs.

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所使用的特殊的狙击弹和燃烧弹,顺带一提,这些子弹挺贵的。Special sniper bullets and explosive ordnance are used. Shells are quite expensive, by the way.

英格兰中部城镇诺丁汉的一间警局遭到燃烧弹袭击,引发一场小火灾。A police station in the central English town of Nottingham was firebombed, causing a small blaze.

左旋肉碱是国际上公认的安全无毒的营养强化剂,有“脂肪燃烧弹”的美誉。L-carnitine is internationally recognized as safe non-toxic nutrient supplement, called as "fat bombs".

本月初,库尔德示威者在与土耳其防暴警察的冲突中投掷燃烧弹。Kurdish demonstrators threw Molotov cocktails during a clash with Turkish riot police earlier this month.

马来西亚警方逮捕八名嫌疑犯,他们涉嫌本月早些时候用燃烧弹攻击一座教堂。Malaysian police say they have arrested eight people over the firebombing of a church earlier this month.

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从这些毛分子中缴获邓住所的地图,装有消声器的手枪,爆炸品和燃烧弹。From these Maoists, maps of Deng's residence, pistols with silencers , explosives, and incendiaries were found.

第二天,燃烧弹把商务印书馆和东方图书馆烧了,价值以百万元计的中文书籍珍藏,只有几本得脱火海。On the second day of the"war", fire from incendiary bombs gutted the Commercial Press and the Oriental Library.

1月16日,库尔德激进分子在与库尔德防爆警察的冲突中投掷了燃烧弹。On Jan. 16, Kurdish militants threw Molotov cocktails during clashes between militants and the Turkish riot police.