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在这次峰会上,类似的预言满天飞。Predictions like this flew at the summit.

他们口无遮拦,把纸张扔得满天飞。They are talking out of turn, they are throwing paper.

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白昼,白雪满天飞,散在黄枝绿蕾。In the day, I see the snow, yellow and green in the white.

关于杰西卡和经理之间的风流韵事,流言满天飞。There s dirt on the affair between Jessica abd the manager.

在灰尘满天飞的城中央,则是著名的德吉玛广场。In the center of the dusty city lies the famous Djemaa el Fna Square.

谣言满天飞,人们很容易相信即使没有证据。Rumor is everywhere, people are easy to believe it without testifying.

即将来临的裁员的谣言满天飞,你的工作正处在危机之中。Rumors may start flying that lay-offs are imminent and jobs are at risk.

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与此同时,将会有大量有关我们的负面报道,含沙射影和大胆猜测会满天飞。In the meantime, wed get lots of bad stories full of innuendo and speculation.

话题触及国防,缩合字,缩写字和行话就满天飞。Scratch the subject of defence and acronym abbreviation and buzzwords fly out.

手脚满天飞!对一个军人来说感觉如何?你和你的断手懂了吗?去你妈的。And the limbs go flying! Hows that for an ARMy?! Get it? With the arms? Fuck you.

查理·辛—关于他的绯闻满天飞,去年因为家庭纠纷问题被捕入狱。Charlie Sheen – Scandal-ridden Sheen was arrested late last year for a domestic dispute.

“切”的形象满天飞被用作商业广告区卖啤酒、去卖打火机、去卖皮带环、甚至去卖婴儿的联裤衫。Che's image sells beers. It sells lighters. It sells belt buckles. It sells baby onesies.

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在时间的叶片满天飞舞之时我静坐其中充满对自然之神的敬畏。Leaf Man Tianfei time in the dance when I sit with them on the nature of the fear of God.

这年冬天,地都冻裂了缝,小北风像刀子似的猛刮,大雪满天飞。This winter, the earth cracking joints, small wind like a knife fierce wind, snow flying.

一阵横风,吹得长发满天飞扬,吹得长裙上下翻腾…While cross-wind, long hair blowing everywhere Yang, blowing skirt billowing up and down.

曾经一度谣言满天飞,以为他要去民主党执政的政权里谋得一份差事,可能是出任美国国务卿。Rumor had it he was angling for a post in a Democratic administration -- perhaps Secretary of State.

电影使用了很多有趣的停格动画,创造了一个礼帽满天飞的超现实世界。The film creates a surreal world featuring flying bowler hats with many interesting stop-motion animations.

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但如今,他的大肚子瘪了下去,他的左臂似乎已经瘫痪,关于他死亡的消息也满天飞。But now his pot belly is gone, his left arm looks nearly paralysed, and intimations of his mortality abound.

因为,正是在各种利空消息满天飞的重磅轰下,主流资金才可以很方便地建仓。Since, it is bad news in a variety of heavy bombers flying under the mainstream funds can be easily Jiancang.

这一点很重要,就如同在这段批评满天飞的时期里到来的两粒进球。That's important, just like these two goals that arrived in a period in which there were a lot of criticisms.