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这张桌子上还盖着一块很美丽的漆布。This table had a cover made out of beautiful oilcloth.

哇!它在那里,蹄子踏在食品储藏室门前的漆布上。Wow! There it was, hoofing the lino by the larder door.

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我听到他在我身后从地毯上移动到漆布上时支支唔唔地说。I hear him shuffling from the rug onto the linoleum behind me.

地板是用旧了的棕色的漆布由铜的条板压制着。The floor was of battered brown linoleum held down by strips of brass.

整幢楼,甚至他的卧室像一块陈旧的漆布一样,破烂不堪,摇摇欲坠。The floors, even in the bedroom, were ancient linoleum, worn and chipped.

用竹子胶版做家具,天然漆布铺地板。Bamboo plywood was used for the cabinetry and natural linoleum was used for the flooring.

本机适用于斗方、挥春的烫印,也适应木制品、塑料、皮革、漆布的压痕、烫金。The machine adjusts to bronze special to bronze press dent for wood , plastic, buff and printing cloth.

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屋子里寂静无声,只能听到奶奶系带的厚跟鞋在破旧的铺着漆布的地板上发出的咔哒声。The room was quiet except for Granny's thick-heeled lace-up shoes clicking across the worn linoleum floor.

塑料着色、墨水、留声机唱片、鞋油、油漆布、皮革涂料、有色水泥、电极、电刷、干电池等方面。Colored plastic, inks, gramophone records, shoe polish, paint cloth, leather paints, colored cement, electrodes, brush, dry batteries and so on.

门外日色昏黄,楼梯上铺着湖绿花格子漆布地衣,一级一级上去,通入没有光的所在。Outside the door the setting sun was smoky yellow, and the staircase covered with turquoise plaid linoleum led up step after step to a place where there was no light.

我跟玛丽说了,她给我看看她的漆布手提包,里面放着我们的游泳衣和一条浴巾。I mentioned this to Marie, but she paid no attention. She was carrying an oilcloth bag in which she had stowed our bathing kit and a towel. Presently we heard Raymond shutting his door.