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我正在瞄准他们的膝盖骨!I'm aiming for the kneecaps!

婴生下来时是没有膝盖骨的。Babies are born without kneecaps.

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关于膝盖骨科专辑进!Enter about patellar division special!

膝盖骨上提收紧大腿。Lift kneecaps by tightening the thighs.

最近一次想这么做的人,他的膝盖骨还在我这里呢。I still got the kneecaps from the last one who tried.

他踢足球时膝盖骨脱臼了。He displaced a bone in his knee while playing football.

连不比夏威夷坚果大的膝盖骨,也保存下来了。Even the kneecaps—no larger than macadamia nuts—are preserved.

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当膝盖骨被拉到膝部外面发生半脱位。A subluxation occurs when the kneecap is pulled toward the outside of the knee.

后来,孙膑受庞涓陷害,被魏王剜掉了两个膝盖骨。Later Sun Bin was framed by Pang Juan and the Prince of Wei had his kneecaps cut out.

结果,左腿被折了,他的膝盖骨破裂,导致软骨和韧带受伤。Instead, the leg buckled, fracturing his knee and causing cartilage and ligament damage.

这次手术将清除拜纳姆左膝盖骨下的杂物和积液。The arthroscopic procedure will clean up rough spots on the underside of his left knee cap.

婴儿出生的时候是没有膝盖骨的,直到2-6周岁的时候才开始生长。Babies are born without knee caps. They don't appear until the child reaches 2-6 years of age.

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拜纳姆在1月13号比赛中左膝受伤,骨头被撞,膝盖骨暂时脱臼。Bynum injured his left knee on Jan. 13, suffering a bone bruise and briefly dislocated kneecap.

婴儿生下来是没有膝盖骨的。他们要到2至6岁时才能长齐。Babies are born without kneecaps. They don't appear until the child reaches 2 to 6 years of age.

婴儿生下来是没有膝盖骨的,他们要到2岁到6岁的年龄段财长齐。Babies are born without kneecaps . They do not appear until the child reaches 2 to 6 years of age.

股四头肌虚弱和髂胫束太紧可以导致膝盖骨位置不正,加剧磨损和拉伤。Weak quads or a tight IT band can pull the kneecaps out of alignment and exacerbate the wear and tear.

拜纳姆在一月份的比赛中膝盖骨被撞,导致膝盖骨脱臼。Bynum sustained a bone bruise in his left knee and he briefly dislocated his kneecap in the January game.

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他的膝盖骨被人取走,但这最后又回到寡妇之子的案子中。The archbishop's kneecaps were surgically removed, which prompts the team to return to the Widow's Son case.

在下半场埃文斯的臀部被对方膝盖狠狠顶伤,而后埃夫拉的膝盖骨也被博尔顿球员踢伤。He got a knee in the hip in the second half which was pretty painful, while Patrice got a kick on the kneecap.

一些孩子还是血脉相连的,因为他们的膝盖骨上都有一种先天性的骨质缺损,这种遗传基因是非常罕见的。Some of the babies were related as they showed a congenital bone defect on their knee bones, which is a very rare gene.