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他把一杯水喝得点滴不剩。He left not a dreg in the glass.

写日记记录进步的点滴。Keep a journal of your progress.

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“开始点滴吗?”魏尔伦说。“杰夫?”“Drip on?” Verlaine said. “Jeff?”

然后,点滴里的药劲儿开始过去。Then something in the drip began to wane.

生活啲点滴,昰钚昰蒦可以控制啲?。Life, bit by bit, is not I can control it?

大洋是点滴的水聚成的。The ocean began with little drops of water.

大洋是点滴的水汇成的。The ocean begins with little drops of water.

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第一个故事是关于串起你生命中的点滴。The first story is about connecting the dots.

表扬特别的贡献,也要褒奖点滴的善举。Praise the everyday as well as the exceptional.

这些对读者情绪准确拿捏的点滴让这本书成为你长途旅行的好伴侣,只是别让乘务员看到你的眼泪。Just don't let the flight attendants see you cry.

那个病人动过手术后就打点滴。The patient is put on a drip after her operation.

抓住旅途中点滴的快乐,珍惜每个开心和奇迹的瞬间。Be on the look out for moments of pleasure and wonder.

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除了睡觉的时间外,我一直都在打点滴。I was on a drop all the time except when I was sleeping.

抑或就这么被现实的烈阳蒸发掉了,点滴不剩。Or so is the reality the sun evaporated, a bit not left.

想想过去的点滴,觉得自己真的不能再浪费青春了。Remembering the past, I can not waste my youth any more.

他开始基斯的左手上插上静脉点滴,并注射了吗啡。He started an IV for fluids and morphine in his left hand.

生活的点滴,铸造快乐的永恒!The dribs and drabs of life create forever happiness and joy.

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但是儿科医生没有自始至终地开出维生素点滴的处方。But pediatricians do not consistently prescribe vitamin drops.

那些点滴流过的相思也不会会聚成海。Those little bits of mutual concern won't converge into a sea.

他大汗淋漓,有一滴从鼻尖滴了下去,差点滴到维修工的靴子上。The sweat drips from his nose and narrowly misses the man’s boot.