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它是一道催化剂。It’s a catalyst.

一道对着花园的铁栏门。A gate on a garden.

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杯子上有一道璺。The cup has a crack.

搭起一道屏障。And put up a barrier.

架成一道彩虹。Together make a rainbow.

你可以跟我一道去。And you may come with me.

我再来一道题Here's another variation.

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一道光?是,在那边。A light? Yeah. Over there.

那是一道单独的题目That's a separate exercise.

人生是一道难题,解答它。Life is a puzzle — solve it.

从燃烧着的木头上腾起一道火焰。A flame darted from the logs.

手臂被刮出一道道伤痕,传来一阵阵微痛。The arm was a scar that pain.

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将爱注入到每一道饭菜中。You put love into every meal.

但事实上这是一道简单的算术题。But it is a simple sum really.

她做了一道无话可说的炖鸡。She makes a mean chicken stew.

这块玻璃有一道裂痕。There is a crack in the glass.

你们今晚愿意同我们一道去吗?Wilt thou go with us to-night?

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耐莉,你跟我一道走。You shall walk with me, Nelly.

他的目光犹如一道闪电。His eyes glared like lightning.

我建议来一道鲫鱼汤。May I suggest a gold carp soup?