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犊牛,羔羊,仔猪和马驹。Calf, Lamb, Piglet and Foal.

那匹马驹跳着跑过牧场。The colt bounded through the meadow.

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小小骑士乘着马驹紧随其后。The littlest knight followed on his pony.

马驹出生与眼睛接近白色。The foals are born with nearly white eyes.

如果那些人有马驹儿的话为什么要过来这里?Why would anybody come hre if they had a pony ?

在阿萨蒂格岛上一匹野马驹用鼻爱抚着它妈妈。A wild pony nuzzles its mother on Assateague Island.

于是这位最小个子的骑士骑上马驹出发寻龙。So the littlest knight set out on his pony to find the dragon.

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从小马驹出生那一刻起,它面临的需要仅仅是生存。From the moment a foal is born, it faces demands simply to survive.

谁会离开一个满是马驹儿的国度来到这个没有马驹儿的地方?Who leaves a country packed with ponies to come to a non-pony country?

后来,有个贩马商人带着500匹马来贝拿勒斯卖,这些马包括许多种马、母马、马驹。Then one day a horse merchant arrived in Benares with 500 horses to sell.

每年都有数千匹小马面临被屠杀的厄运,而45岁的奈史密斯能力有限,只能援救为数不多的马驹。Thousands of foals face slaughter each year, but Naismith, 45, can help only a few.

有几种类型的骨科疾病常发生于马驹和年轻马。There are several types of orthopedic diseases that can occur in foals and young horses.

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这匹五月龄的马驹被正确的拴在一个安全的地方,而且他已经学会如何耐心地站着。This 5-month-old foal is tied properly in a safe area and has learned to stand patiently.

英国——马驹胎儿漂浮在广口瓶中,象一个雕刻成睡眠的瓷器雕像。England—Like a porcelain figurine carved into repose, the fetus of a foal floats in a jar.

英国——马驹胎儿漂浮在广口瓶中,象一个雕刻成睡眠的瓷器雕像。England—Like a porcelain figurine carved into repose , the fetus of a foal floats in a jar.

接着小小骑士驾着飞龙返回家乡,马驹则在地下飞奔。Then the littlest knight, astride his flying dragon, flew home with his pony galloping beneath.

最近,一头38厘米高的迷你马在澳大利亚一家种马场出生,成为当地最小的马驹。A 38cm tiny pony was born 10 days ago at a stud farm in Australia, the smallest born in the area.

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俞游戏王卡“格伦马驹大Eiza”怪物变得非常强大,从你的坟墓场中删除。The Yu-Gi-Oh card "Gren Maju Da Eiza" becomes very powerful as monsters are removed from your graveyard.

看到潘尼准备携着自己的白色马驹上火车,雷克斯汉姆火车的员工都惊住了。Staff at Wrexham Station were stunned when Mr Pannell attempted to board an Arriva train with the white pony.

如果绳子再缩短一点,这会导致马驹必须让他的头保持一个不自然的高而且容易疲劳的姿势。If the rope were shorter, it would cause the foal to hold his head up in an unnaturally high, fatiguing position.