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什么是层级调用?What is Call Hierarchy?

建立集合层级群组。Create a Collection-Level Group.

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那是较高层级的精神质量。It is a higher order psychological quality.

没有人从分析层级上设计或者建造。No one designs or builds from an analysis level.

你可以用这些层级来解释。So then you could explain in terms of these levels.

这是示范文件层级自订的范例。This example is for a document-level customization.

将类别层级属性加入至目标元件。Adds class-level attributes to the target component.

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公司实行扁平化的组织结构——“没有层级,”乌鲁卡亚说。The organization is flat—"no layers, " Ulukaya says.

将类别层级属性加入至目标元件型别。Adds class-level attributes to the target component type.

有一些节点对象属于同一个层级。Mainly, some node objects belong to generational objects.

在这个层级的经验是内在的喜悦或极乐。At this level the experience is one of inner joy or bliss.

这些小的文件会保持层级结构的关系。These small files remain hierarchically related and attached.

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域名系统分类中的最高层级。The highest level of subdivisions with the domain name system.

顶层活动是从各个低层级累积得到的。Top-level activities are simply rolled-up from the lower levels.

专案层级群组只会提供该专案的使用权限。A project-level group provides permissions only for that project.

克林顿是近十年来会见金正日的最高层级的美国人。He was the highest-level American to meet Kim in almost a decade.

对于申请第四层级签证的学生而言,健康附加费为每年150英镑。The health surcharge is set at ?150 per year for Tier 4 students.

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描述伺服器层级群组以及建立和维护它们的方式。Describes server-level groups and how to create and maintain them.

为包的每个递降层级重复执行这一模式。Repeat this pattern for each successively lower level of Packages.

世界经济相互依赖的程度已经到了一个新的层级。The world’s economies have reached a new level of interdependence.