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周边环境怎么样啊?How bout the surroundings?

周边以石膏线饰边。To plaster line edging around.

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中国的周边国家和地区也在提供帮助。China's neighbors are also helping.

那画面周边上的霜都是什么?What’s all this frost on the sides?

银行只是周边的参与者。Banks are only peripherally involved.

保护村子周边。Secure the perimeter around Ravenholm.

保护月亮湾及其周边地区。Preserve Moon Bay and surrounding area.

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烈日当空,周边一片红色沙漠。Lying in the red desert, dreaming, sobbing.

而且,还会给周边带来很多的垃圾。Plus, there's all kinds of trash left around.

周边性病变没有肺叶的发病倾向性。Peripheral lesions have no lobar predilection.

昔日的跳伞塔周边为沙地,以减缓着陆冲击。Surrounding sand slows down the landing impact.

腺胰中高糖素免疫反应细胞多居于胰岛周边。The GIR-cells in pancreas are aroud the islets.

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巨石周边的树突然着起火来。The trees around the rock caught fire suddenly.

在一些鸟类,嘴软周边地区发生的。In some birds, soft areas around the beak occur.

死海周边地区实际上是半沙漠化的。The area around the Sea is basically semi-desert.

另一方面,美国在中国周边都画上了警戒线。On the other hand, the US cordons China's periphery.

南湖周边排污口排放的污水南湖污染的一个主要来源。The outlets sewage is a main point pollution source.

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延庆县城周边环绕着30多个景点景区。Around Yanqing County, there are over 30 scenic spots.

轻吹橡胶侧壁和周边耳。Lightweight blown rubber sidewalls and perimeter lugs.

卷边确定了端部部件的外周边。The curl defines an outer perimeter of the end member.