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他是徒手格斗的能手。He is an expert in unarmed combat.

掌握徒手绘图的技巧。Master skills of freehand drawing.

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摔跤是一项徒手进行的格斗运动。Wresting is a form of empty-hand combat.

徒手进行的格斗运动。Werstling is a from of empty hand combat.

摔跤是一项徒手进行的格斗运动。Wrestling is a form of empty-hand combat.

司马空徒手杀了三名日本士兵。SiMaKong unarmed killed three Japanese soldiers.

由于缺少镰刀,他们在徒手收割庄稼。Being short of sickles, they are reaping by hand.

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然后让他们试着徒手再次去抓块块。Then they tried to snag the block barehanded again.

旅途中如何徒手治头痛头晕?In journey how bare-handed treat have a headache giddy?

两人都受到过武器和徒手格斗训练。Both men are trained with weapons and in unarmed combat.

你不可能在徒手格斗中毫发无伤。You can't engage in unarmed combat without getting hurt.

小样儿的居然敢徒手来拨我的枪?The galley proof dares unarmed to dial my gun unexpectedly?

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警官跨一步就把这个徒手的抢劫未遂者逮捕了。The unarmed would-be robber was arrested after a foot pursuit.

他的父亲安排他训练巡防队员徒手格斗。His father assigned him to teach the scouts hand-to-hand combat.

对琴槌的调整不应象过去那样徒手操作。Work on the hammers should not be performed freehand as it were.

他钟爱的体育运动包括篮球、高尔夫和徒手冲浪。Basketball, golf, and bodysurfing comprise his athletic activities.

吴菊萍徒手去接妞妞缓解了她自由落体时的冲击力。Wu Juping's bare handed catch absorbed the impact of Niu's freefall.

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徒手打斗和刺伤是最常见的类型。Unarmed brawling and stabbing were the most common types of violence.

我们知道,超人可以跳越高楼大厦,徒手抓起汽车。We know he can leap over tall buildings and pick up cars with bare hands.

咱们的碎纸机坏掉了,所以我会徒手将这些机密文件撕碎。Our -brokeer am break dhave, so I get to tear up the confidence files by hor.