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加椰蓉,拌匀。Add coconut. Mix.

加入泡打粉,拌匀。Add cake powder Mix.

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牛柳与腌料拌匀。Mix beef with marinade.

猪肉与腌料拌匀。Mix pork with marinade.

倒入牛奶和提子拌匀。Blend in milk and raisins.

加香草香精,拌匀。Add vanilla essential, mix.

食用臭粉拌匀。Mix fl our with baking powder.

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加入香草精、鸡蛋拌匀。Add vanilla and egg and mix well.

将牛奶和香草精混合并且拌匀。Add milk and vanilla and mix well.

最后将它倒入剩下蛋白糊盆中拌匀。Make sure no white streaks remain.

把豆沙和砂糖以及枫糖浆一起拌匀。Stir in the sugar and maple syrup.

慢慢倒进面粉,边加边拌匀。Slowly pour in the flour, stir well.

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加入水和已筛过的低筋面粉,拌匀。Add water and sifted flour, stir well.

拌入牛油溶液及柠檬汁,拌匀。Stir in melted butter and lemon juice.

鲩鱼肉洗净,切片,下腌料拌匀。Wash fish and slice. Mix with marinade.

接着加入菠萝丁拌匀成馅料。Add in pineapple dices and blend to mix.

把面粉筛进碗里,和盐拌匀。Sift the flour into a bowl with the salt.

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蟹肉与全部材料拌匀成馅料。Mix crabmeat with all ingredients together.

泰式甜鸡酱、青柠汁等拌匀备用。Mix Thai style chicken sauce and lime juice.

加入已打发的淡忌廉拌匀。Pour in whisked whipping cream and fold well.