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检查卷扬机工作是否正常。Test if the hoisting machine is normal or not.

具有电动葫芦和卷扬机的主要功能。Has the electric hoist and hoist's major function.

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敬请用户认真阅读卷扬机使用说明书。Please read the operation instructions of hoisting machine.

卷扬机投入使用后,应设专人负责维修保养。After being used, there should be the special staff to maintain it.

提升卷扬机应能正常工作,制动器应工作可靠。The hoisting machine can work normally, the brake should be reliable.

检查提升卷扬机减速器,按照要求加注规定油面高度。Test the lift hoist reducer and pour the oil according to the demands.

将提升卷扬机固定到底座上,各联接螺栓必须联接紧固。Fix the hoisting machine on the base, all the connected screw should be firm.

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当卷扬机安装完毕后,试车前首先应进行全面检查,检查内容。After being installed, before run test, you should do a overall test as following.

一名救援人员通过卷扬机进入楼层中部寻找幸存者。A rescue worker was winched into the middle of the building to look for any survivors.

卷扬机等小型机械,根据工程的需要规划摆放位置。Small equipment like the winch shall be placed as is required by the project planning.

搭设工作棚或设防护罩,防止卷扬机暴晒,雨淋,积水受潮。Set the workshop or shelter to protect the hoisting machine from the sun, rain and humidity.

选择卷扬机安装位置时,保持司机有良好视线。When choose the installing position, the place should be convenient for the driver to watch.

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卷扬机作为料车的驱动设备,是本设计的重要内容之一。As a material hoist the trucks driven equipment, the design is one of the important contents.

松开紧固螺母,调整上行程开关,自动切断提升卷扬机的上升电路。Loosen the firm screw, adjust the up stroke switch, turn off the ascending circuit of the lift.

本文的目的是解决卷扬机的重载起动,通过交-交变频的方法来实现。But how to solve the windlass's over landing starting is purposed and AC-AC variable frequency is given.

通过采用合理的构件分段,提高了卷扬机安装的速度,确保安装质量。By separating reasonably members, installation speed of hoister is improved which can assure installation quality.

卷扬机支撑,挖掘机关节,吊车支撑,但不宜在水中或酸碱场合使用。For example, the support of winding engine and winch truck, but it is unsuitable for water or acid and alkaline area.

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在沙漠中,汽车必须自带卷扬机和钢绳,这样一旦汽车陷入沙地可以自救。In the desert, the vehicle must bring their own rope and hoist, so that once the car into the sand can save themselves.

卷扬机安装完毕,经过试车验收合格,才准投入使用。After the installment of the hoisting machine and being tested to be qualified, the hoisting machine can be put into use.

卷扬机维修和保养,应按照卷扬机使用说明书的要求进行。The repairing and maintaining of the hoisting machine should be carried out according to the demands of the usage manual.