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我能在此停车吗?Can I park here?

就搿搭停车好唻。Stop the car here.

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找一个停车计费器。Find a parking meter.

他接到违章停车罚款单。He got a parking ticket.

先生.只能代客停车.Valet parking only, sir.

出租车停车站在哪里?Where is the taxi stand?

哎呀,糟了,违章停车罚款通知单!Oh, no! A parking ticket!

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禁止停车黄线?。No parking on yellow line?

试想一个违规停车罚单。Think of a parking ticket.

此地禁止停车。Parking is prohibited here.

这是一个非停车区。This is a "No Parking" area.

此处是'禁止停车'区。This is a "No Parking" area.

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请在旅馆后面停车。Please stop behind the hotel.

整个系统紧急停车。The whole system will be ESD.

哎呦,违反停车规则了。Oops, parking rules violation.

新停车临检方法。The new traffic stop approach.

他把车停到残疾人停车区。He parks in handicapped spaces.

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或者看到这个家伙正在停车吗?Or see this guy trying to park?

我们最快尽快停车投宿。We'd better stop and rest soon.

菲亚特Stilo装有停车传感器。Fiat Stilo with parking sensor”.