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请问你们警方是押解了一名遣返人员吗?Is there a deportee under your escort?

他被转移押解到精神病院接受进一步的检查。He was remanded to a mental hospital for assessment.

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押解犯人未上铐,员警遇刺殉职,您认为是谁的错?。A cop is killed by an uncuffed prisoner – who's wrong?

左玉琨被绑上马车,准备押解到司令部。ZuoYuKun tied on the carriage, ready to sent to the headquarters.

法官宣判完毕后,两名法警将Lincoln押解离开审判室。When the judge finishes, two bailiffs take Lincoln from the courtroom.

1943年2月,一名苏联士兵押解着一名被俘的德国士兵。In February of 1943, a Soviet soldier stands guard behind a captured German soldier.

但是联邦调查局终于在芝加哥追踪捕获这名逃犯,于是把他押解回纽约受审。But the FBI caught up with him in Chicago and took him back to New York to stand trial.

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在监押途中犯人逃跑了,这是押解人员的失职。The criminal ran away during escort, because the men in charge of escorting breached their duty.

在接下来的一年里,为了保持平衡,海牙法院将伦杜部族的两位领袖押解归案。The next year there was an attempt at balance when two leaders of the Lendu were packed off to The Hague.

在立陶宛“自卫军”押解下的犹太人妇女儿童队伍,立陶宛,1941年。The column of Jewish women and children under the escort of Lithuanian "self-defense". 1941. Lithuania, the USSR.

贵仁“押解”欧文及电版到达交易地点,一场惊险绝伦的电版争夺战爆发了!Guiren" sends " Owen and electric edition reach the trade place. An electric edition fight with unsurpassed thrill breaks out !

韦伯参议员说就在缅甸当局看到他的押解出境的命令后,他已经经历了一场医疗事故就在离开缅甸之前。Senator Webb said Mr Yettaw had suffered a “medical incident” just before leaving Burma as authorities there read him his deportation order.

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在贾比姆星球被捕之后,绝地将军欧比-万·克诺比和ARC士兵阿尔法被押解到文崔斯在拉塔塔克的私人要塞。After being captured on Jabiim, Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi and the ARC trooper known as Alpha were transported to Ventress' private fortress on Rattatak.

根据这些协定或条约,中国可以请求这些国家给予司法协助,将逃往国外的涉嫌腐败犯罪嫌疑人进行拘押,押解回国,赃款也会得以归还。As a result, China can ask judicial assistance from these countries in capturing and extraditing these suspects and retrieving the money they took abroad.

警察报告说,有一批犯人押过,其中一个倒在地上,押解兵吩咐把他留下来。The policeman said that, as a gang of prisoners was passing, one of the convicts had fallen down, and the convoy officer had ordered him to be left behind.

很快,约200余名日军分路登陆,挨家挨户地搜查,到下午2时,又将两地英俘共计381人清出,重新押解上船后离去。Very soon, about 200 Japanese soldiers landed on, searching every house for British POWs, until 2 pm, they had recaptured and taken away the rest 381 POWs.

他们说卡扎菲几分钟前还在那,然后被押解到森严的敞篷军车上去往米苏拉塔,在这之前,在这个镇是他的拥护者张狂的地方。They said Gadhafi had been there until minutes before and loaded onto a caravan of vehicles bound for Misrata, a town his loyalists had brutalized earlier this year.

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上周五,警察突袭了他工作的青海民族出版社,押解他离开。Last Friday, police officers arrived at the Qinghai Nationalities Publishing House, where he worked, and escorted him away, according to a blog post written by a friend.

1944年圣诞节后的第二天,维拉普兰、拉丰、博尼及其他五人被押解到巴黎郊外的蒙鲁日堡,毙于枪下。Then sentenced to death. On the day after Christmas in 1944, Villaplane, Lafont, Bonny and five others were taken to Fort de Montrouge on the outskirts of the city and shot dead.

在这种情况下,即便有军舰赶到现场,只能是眼巴巴地看着海盗们押解着货轮扬长而去,并且开始新一轮的讨价还价活动。In this case, the warship arrived on the scene even if there can only be looked on helplessly while the pirates were escorted off the ship and began a new round of bargaining activities.