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我认为它无足轻重。I esteem it worthless.

我认为她是无足轻重的。I think she bulks small.

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这里的只是一些跛脚的额外无足轻重。Here's just some lame extra footy.

这完全是是一个无足轻重的人的下贱的贬低。It's a snotty takedown of a straw man.

这些技术细节似乎是无足轻重的。The technicalities might seem inconsequential.

杀几个泥巴种对我来说再也无足轻重了。Killing mudbloods doesn't matter to me anymore.

他跟B女士的短信内容无足轻重。When he texts Mrs B, the content is unimportant.

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你以为我会留下做一个对你来说无足轻重的人?You think I could stay to become nothing to you?

我曾说我做的多不多无足轻重。I said it didn't matter that I wasn't doing much.

他们老把A先生当做无足轻重的政客。They always treat Mr. A as a small-fry politician.

一名男子说,居尔的访问无足轻重。This man says Mr. Gul's visit is of no importance.

“夏威夷就如象棋比赛中的一名小卒无足轻重,”他接着说。“Hawaii is like a pawn in a chess game, ” he added.

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你认为拉尔会看上如此无足轻重的区区之物吗?Do you think Lal will care for anything so unimportant?

她不再会被男人一句无足轻重的话弄得头脑发昏。No longer the lightest word of a man made her head dizzy.

他们感到因最近发生的事件他们已变得无足轻重了。They feel they have become disempowered by recent events.

他只是笑了笑,认为问题无足轻重而不予考虑。He just laughed, and dismissed the question as unimportant.

他从来也没有去追求过出任无足轻重的总统密使的角色。He had never sought the role of a minor presidential emissary.

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委员会的其他两个成员只是无足轻重的人。The other two members of the committee are just featherweight.

花对狗来讲无足轻重,所以花香对狗无关紧要。Flowers are irrelevant to a dog. So their scent is meaningless.

此后,救赎就会降临,甚至通过对无足轻重之辈的救赎。All salvation comes thenceforth, even salvation through nothing.