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我的脚爪像天鹅绒一般。See! My paws are velveted.

这毛皮有如天鹅绒般软滑。The fur was as soft as velvet.

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她蒙上一块天鹅绒的面纱然后出发了。She put on a velvet veil then set out.

黑天鹅绒是圣标准青紫。Black Velvet is a TOV standard chinchilla.

一会儿我们的路就会越过天鹅绒山脉了。Soon our road shall pass into the Velvet Hills.

酒体丰满,如天鹅绒般柔顺。The wine body is rich, and flexible as velours.

最后会有当年示威游行的模拟表演,还有数个以“天鹅绒革命”为主题的旅游节目。There are a number of "Velvet Revolution" tours.

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她渐渐放眼去看那天鹅绒般的暮色。Her eyes moved gradually out into the velvet dusk.

口感干冽,有如天鹅绒般柔滑。Dry with a velvet smooth flavor. Soft and harmonious.

将你的嘴唇融进那天鹅绒般的吻。在我包裹住你的时候。Ease your lips into a velvet kiss while I enfold you.

她戴着一个天鹅绒的项饰,中间镶着一颗钻石。She wore a velvet collar with a diamond in the centre.

克莱尔穿着酒红色的天鹅绒连衣裙,戴着耳环。Clare is wearing a wine-colored velvet dress andpearls.

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海豚的鳍摸起来又软又滑,感觉有点像天鹅绒。It was soft and slippery. It felt a little like velvet.

短马靴中部的弯曲以及天鹅绒马甲贴身舒适。Jodhpurs curved to the waist and velvet vests were snug.

漂亮的丝绸及天鹅绒令他赞叹不已。The beautiful silks and velvets surprised him very much.

再远的东边屹立着天鹅绒山脉,那里是我们的边界了。Farther east stand the Velvet Hills, whence we are bound.

口感如天鹅绒般顺滑,饱满并伴有红色水果和新鲜薄荷香。A velvety, round palate with red fruit and fresh mint aromas.

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窗帘和床罩是深棕色天鹅绒的。The curtains and the coverlet of the bed were chocolate velvet.

这件天鹅绒外套,事实上有着同样一件配套的天鹅绒裤。The velvet jacket actually comes with matching velvet britches.

我指着那些在黑天鹅绒底座上微微发光的石头。I pointed to a handful of shimmery rocks spread on black velvet.