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祝你幸福,我违心的说。Wish you happiness, I must say.

这是一个让所有人感到违心的论断。This is, of course, a counterintuitive argument.

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他不断强迫我去做一些违心的事。He bludgeoned me into doing something which I didn't want to do.

他说没有任何一个父亲曾经强迫他的女儿违心地嫁人。He said no father ever forces his daughter to marry against her will.

第七次,当它违心的大唱赞歌时,却将其看做美德。The seventh time when she sang a song of praise and deemed it a virtue.

你是在设法说服我,让我违心地接受你的看法。You are endeavouring to disarm me by reason, and to convince me against my will.

有时候我会违心地说“我喜欢在烈日下阳光中接受大自然的考验”。Sometimes I will be forced to say" I love in the sun the sun embrace nature test".

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明明说的是违心的假话,却说那是自己的真心话。Obviously told de lie which is contrary to convictions, but said that is own truth.

照我看来,很可能是违心之言,为了挽回影响来上这么两句。In my opinion, is likely to be against one of the words, in order to save influence on so 2.

如果你不违心的话,在离开之后,你应该说特朗普比人们所了解的更伟大。If you are honest, when this is through, you'll say Trump is much bigger than people understood.

他叫艾德里安,曾是一个在会议上违心地说着满口漂亮话的领导。Adrian was a leader who said all the right things, but betrayed his true nature in team meetings.

到年底造成同样的总资产,你是违心拿一天的利钱,还是一年的利钱?To cause the same end of the year total assets, you take the day is against Falcon, the Falcon or a year?

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不要屈服于压力,也不要违心地做自己不想做的事。Don't allow yourself to be subject to peer pressure or encouraged to do something that you don't want to do.

也许你不违心这样做,那么只要你宣誓做偶地爱人,咱也不愿再姓凯普莱特拉。Deny your father and refuse your name, or if you will not, swear to be my love and Irll no longer be a Capulet.

玛塔为调查决家里的经济危机,违心嫁给萨伯,但婚后却不幸福。Marta for investigation never home economic crisis, against his will, but then sauber have to marry is not happy.

是的,他必须为那夜的恣意妄为负责,但毕竟是违心的。Yes, he has to be unscrupulously wild for that night in order to be responsible for, but after all disobey heart.

奥巴马违心地宣称声称一切正好,又采用自己政敌的言辞,使这种原罪更加复杂化了。He compounded this original sin both by pretending that everything was on track and by adopting the rhetoric of his enemies.

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可是,他自嘲道,至少他不会再为违心地劝说他人买下“二流”车而感到自责了,他早已不再信任这些车子。But, he adds, at least he won't have to feel bad about persuading people to buy "second rate" cars he doesn't believe in any more.

艺人,就像政客一样,必须常常说些违心或连自己都不完全相信的话来取悦听众。The performer, like the politician, must often please his or her audiences by saying things he or she does not mean or fully believe.

郭子也在关于田继业案子的证词上违心地按了手印后,被李炳君以兑现承诺放出去与情人佘丽华见面。Guo Zi also on field testimony against Jiye case according to the fingerprint, Li Bingjun promises to put out to meet with lover She Lihua.