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指挥官能够重整其溃散的部队。The commander was able to rally the fleeing troops.

连长把他的打了败仗的溃散部队重新召集起来。The company commander rallied his defeated and dispersed troops.

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当精子形成时营养细胞逐渐溃散消失。The result of the division is the formation of sperm- cells which.

水玻璃砂的干法再生主要是解决溃散性和脱膜率问题。Dry reclamation of sodium silicate-bonded sands is reviewed in the paper.

该热硬砂具有良好的溃散性和低的发气量。At the same time, this sand has good collapsibility and low gas evolution.

本文选择了树脂和碳素两类附加物,旨在改善陶瓷型的溃散性。Two kinds of additives are chosen for improving collapsibility of ceramic mold.

“博尔孔斯基,”他指着溃散的营队,又指着敌人,低声地说,“这是怎么回事啊?”"Bolkonsky, " he whispered, pointing to the routed battalion and the enemy, "what's this?

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对复杂内腔的零件,可用可溶性盐芯和易溃散砂芯解决难成型问题。The core with soluble salt and high collapsibility was used for the parts with complicated cavities.

军队被击败后,溃散的队伍一直在设法汇合起来。The scattered groups of soldiers have been trying to link up with each other since the army's defeat.

比较了耐高温性覆膜砂和易溃散性覆膜砂的性能。Based on the results, the feature of high-temperature coated sand and collapse coated sand was compared.

他的军队溃散了,他自己也被迫躲藏起来,有时躲进森林里,有时躲到偏僻的山区。His army was scattered, and he was forced to go into hiding-in the woods or in lonely places in the mountains.

改善水玻璃砂的溃散性是推广水玻璃砂的一个重要问题。Improving the collapsibility of sodium silicate sand is a important problem for developing sodium silicate sand.

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看着你一手投入运作的事物瓦解溃散都快让你疯了,尤其因为你没有照那样安排过。Watching what you've set into motion fall apart makes you crazy, especially because you didn't arranged it that way.

论述了普通铸钢、铸铁件用的覆膜砂、非铁合金铸件用的易溃散覆膜特种性能覆膜砂。The coating sand for cast iron and cast steel and collapsible coating sand for nonferrous alloy casting are also described.

呋喃树脂砂用于铝合金铸造时,特别是对于一些大型、薄壁铝合金铸件,型芯的溃散性较差。Furan resin sand is poor in collapsibility when it is used for Al alloy casting, specially for some large, thin section castings.

在便雅悯的基比亚,扫罗的守望兵看见非利士的军众溃散,四围乱窜。And the watchmen of Saul, looking out from Geba in the land of Benjamin, saw all the army flowing away and running here and there.

精子在冻融过程中质膜易发生膨胀或断裂、顶体囊泡化或溃散,而质膜和顶体丢失现象较少。The plasma membrane was expanded extremely or broken and the acrosome was vesiculatcd or dispersed while plasma membrane and acrosome seldom lost.

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证明水玻璃白云石砂的溃散性与铸件的大小、壁厚、浇注温度、吃砂量和打箱时间有关。The collapsibility of the sodium silicate dolomite sand is controlled by the size, wall, pouring temperature, capacity for sand and draw time of the cast.

我们从一系列模拟中发现,只要移除几个网际网路里的主要集散点,就足以让整个系统溃散成孤立无援的小群路由器。In a series of simulations, we found that the removal of just a few key hubs from the Internet splintered the system into tiny groups of hopelessly isolated routers.

没一会儿的功夫,潘杜的队伍已经溃散,全被缴械了。两个满脸胡子、脏兮兮的强盗冲上前去,一脚踢开车门,把潘杜拉出来摔到地上,拿着棍子对他又打又踢。Two unshaven and dirty men threw open the door to the jeweler's carriage, pulled him out, flung him to the ground, and began kicking him and beating him with sticks.