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想要找星际迷航的酒瓶眼镜吗?Go for the Star Trek wine glasses.

这张来自"星际迷航"里很早的一集This is from a very old "Star Trek" Episode.

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一个飞行学员放单飞的时候迷航了。A student became lost during a solo cross-country flight.

这条船迷航了,结果开得离冰天雪地的南极洲太近了。The ship got lost and sailed too close to the icy Antarctic.

这是一场火神星新郎和克林贡族新娘之间的星际迷航婚礼。It’s a Star Trek wedding between a Vulcan groom and a Klingon bride.

他们一身休?服、逛迪斯可、看星舰迷航记,越战就这麽消失了。They were all wearing leisure suits, going to discos, watching Star Trek.

般若波罗蜜多,是明灯,能指引迷航的水手。Prajna Paramita is a sword that can cut out unnecessary tangling and involving!

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我们迷航飘荡于风暴中,青春的雷雨一旦过去。Rudderless, we drift athwart a tempest, and when once the storm of youth is past.

MITS创始人埃德·罗伯茨从星际迷航某一集的终点星球得到Altair这一名称。MITS founder Ed Roberts got the name Altair from the stellar destination in a Star Trek episode.

但是一直到近期发生的跟踪事件,中国对此只是宣称是宋级潜艇“迷航”导致。But until the recent incident tracking, and China is the only declared Song-class submarines "Trek" leads.

他们一身休闲服、逛迪斯可、看星舰迷航记,越战就这么消失了。They were all wearing leisure suits, going to discos , watching Star Trek. The Vietnam War just faded away.

错误情感理论,被漂亮地诠释,在电视及电影星际迷航中。And the wrong theory of the emotions is beautifully illustrated in the television and movie series Star Trek.

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用星际迷航举例,史蒂芬,朋克,在中,精细地列出了问题。Using the example of Star Trek, Steven Pinker, in his book How the Mind Works, nicely illustrates the problem here.

随着网络学习的普及,大学生信息迷航现象也随之产生。The information- mazing phenomenon among university students occurs along with the popularization of the network learning.

那个概念的原始版本自从60年代的星际迷航出现就一直在科幻世界里流行漂浮着。A primitive version of that concept had been floating around the sci-fi world since the advent of Star Trek in the sixties.

缺乏信息空间的合理组织和有效的导航机制是网络中“迷航”现象的主要原因。The main reason for user missing in web is the lack of well-organized information space and efficient navigation mechanism.

因此,像移相器和心灵运输器这样的新机迷航小发明仍然是科幻的东西,但是三录仪是真的。So Star Trek gizmos like phasers and transporter beams are still the stuff of science fiction, but tricorders could be for real.

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而中国第二次是宋级“迷航”突然进入了美国“小鹰”号航母的“内部防御圈”。China and the second was Song "Trek" suddenly entered the United States the "Kitty Hawk" aircraft carrier "internal defense zone.

不像那些抄袭星际迷航创意的剧集那样,卡布里卡是真正意义上的完全不同的题材。Unlike those shows, which are all riffs on the same notion of what Star Trek was, Caprica is really a completely different kind of genre.

信息迷航是影响网络学习效力的主要因素之一,制约着网络学习活动的开铺。Information loss is one of the important influencing factors for E-learning efficiency and restricts the development of learning activities.