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当然不能一概而论。Not everyone, certainly.

但我认为不能再一概而论的了。But I believe that is no longer universally true.

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总之,教育券政策的适用性问题不能一概而论,因时因地而异。In a word, its adoptability varies in place and time.

任何一概而论的说法都会被具体经历推翻。Any general claim will be belied by a particular experience.

尖锐湿疣治疗费用不能一概而论。Condyloma acuminatum treatment costs can not be generalized.

当然,中东的人口不能用“他们”一词一概而论。Of course, the people of the Middle East are not a singular "them.

这都不能一概而论,不过在很多情况下,混合方案往往是最好的。In some cases yes, in some cases no. In many cases the best solution is a hybrid one.

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至少在此示例中,美国人并没有挑出责任应由谁来承担,而只是将它一概而论。In this sample at least, Americans did not single out blame but spread it far and wide.

一个肿瘤包含了多种细胞,不只是一块一概而论的实性组织。A tumor consists of a mixed bag of cells, not just one solid same- celled block of tissue.

人因为性格不同、能力不同等方方面面的原因从而适合做队员或是领导,所以,不能一概而论地讲做队员比做领导好,要根据自己的情况而定。Due to different personalities and abilities, some people are more suitable to be members or

我发觉我这篇专栏文章,有的地方太过笼统了,有些一概而论之嫌,您可能并不认同。I realize that I've made some sweeping generalizations in this column, and you may disagree with me.

摊薄是指公司,非对称地改变股数,而不是一概而论Dilution occurs when the company changes the number of shares asymmetrically-- not changing it for everybody.

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如果有家人对你说了这种一概而论的话,权当他们在表达愤怒。If a family member hurls generalizing statements at you, recognize the words as a single expression of anger.

这都是一概而论,但它追溯显示出信心辩论是如何深深融入文化中的。These perspectives are generalizations, but it shows how the confidence debate goes back deep into our culture.

一概而论的做法,通常是提供两种最普遍的身份识别让我们选择,经常都与品牌有关。Generalization tends to lead us to choosing between two universal identities, often associated with brand names.

对于前者成立共同犯罪没有什么问题,而对于后者不能一概而论,应具体情况具体分析。There are no issues for the former to be the joint crimes, but it should be differently analyzed for the latter.

尽管一概而论式的针对土耳其外交政策的指责有夸大其辞之嫌,但具体到一些问题的细节,埃尔多安也绝非无可挑剔。Even if broad-brush criticisms of Turkey’s foreign policy are overdone, some narrower ones are closer to the mark.

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我想城市和乡村是各有利弊的,不能一概而论的说到底哪个好。I want to city and countryside is respective advantages and disadvantages, cannot treat as the porblems which good.

因此,这些词被限制在一定的条件下,他们不熟悉对某些人来说,不能一概而论。Therefore, these words are limited in certain condition and can't be generalized for their unfamiliarity to some people.

填方区锚杆挡墙与一般的挖方区挡墙不同,在实际工程设计与施工时不能将两种挡墙一概而论。The anchor rod retaining wall in filling area is different from the other anchor rod retaining walls using top-down method.