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盲女突然看到了蔚蓝的天空。The blind girl saw the blue sky suddenly.

我猛然意识到她是一个盲女。I suddenly realized that she was a Blind Girl.

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盲女一直误会差利是一位富翁。The blind girl mistakes Charlie a millionaire.

一个真正感人的盲女故事!The story of the blind girl is very touching indeed!

盲女瘦弱的身躯微微地一抖。A shiver passed through the slight frame of the blind girl.

那盲女上了拥挤的公共汽车,乘客们给她让出了地方。When the blind girl got on the crowded bus, the passengers made room for her.

流浪汉差利爱上了一位在街头卖花的盲女。The tramp Charlie falls in love with a blind girl selling flowers on the sidewalk.

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清晨的花园中,一个盲女献给我一串用荷叶盖着的花环。One morning in the flower garden a blind girl came to offer me a flower chain in the cover of a lotus leaf.

有一天早晨,一个盲女来献给我一串盖在荷叶下的花环。One morning in the flower garden a blind girl came to offer me a flower chain on the cover of a lotus leaf.

盲女阿莱克西亚·斯隆年仅10岁,却已精通四国语言。Alexia Sloane, a 10-year-old schoolgirl has become fluent in four languages, despite the fact she is completely blind.

盲女缓缓起身对人们说,他们不应该感谢她的演奏如此之好,他们应当感谢路易斯·布莱叶先生。Then the girl got up and said that the people should not thank her for playing so well. They should thank Louis Braille.

当差利得知有项昂贵的手术令她恢复视力时,他做尽一切工作赚钱,希望可令盲女的眼睛重见光明。When Charlie knows that there is an expensive surgery that can restore the blind girl's sight, he tries his very hard to earn for her.

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差利在城内遇到许多离奇事,最终他都能筹到足够的金钱让盲女接受手术,但他自己却要身陷牢狱。Charlie has funny adventures in the city. Although he gets enough money for the blind girl to receive the surgery eventually, Charlie himself is landed in jail.

这个事实引起了我的注意当一个在我研究中的盲女人要主动画一个轮子正在转动的。This fact was drawn to my attention dramatically when a blind woman in one of my investigations decided on her own initiative to draw a wheel as it was spinning.