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诊所使服用海洛因的人戒去毒瘾。The clinic detoxes heroin addicts.

你昨晚海洛因吸食过量。You overdosed on heroin last night.

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海洛因已从海上偷运出境。Heroin has been smuggled out by sea.

点数准备出售的海洛因。Hits of heroin areprepared for sale.

他们甚至强迫他吸食海洛因。They even forced him to take heroin.

许多吸食海洛因的人感染了艾滋病。Many heroin addicts have contracted ALDS.

但是英国还有另一种海洛因的使用目的。But the UK also has another use for diamorphine.

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可卡因和海洛因是通往地狱的快车道。Cocaine and heroin are fast routes to perdition.

有几位摇滚巨星是死于过量服用海洛因。Several rock stars have OD’d on heroin and died.

警方找到了他藏在他店中的大量的海洛因。The police found much heroin hoarded in his store.

枸橼酸芬太尼采用同样的方法海洛因。Fentanyl citrate is used in the same manner as heroin.

为什么选择海洛因,而不选择氯胺酮呢?Why did you choose heroin, ketamine and not choose it?

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阿富汗的罂粟变成了柏林的海洛因。The poppies in Afghanistan become the heroin in Berlin.

麻醉药包括吗啡,鸦片,海洛因和美沙酮。Narcotics include morphine, opium, heroin and methadone.

对于海洛因和可卡因的合法化,我非常赞成。I'm passionately in favour of legalising heroin and cocaine.

1970年东南亚的高纯度海洛因和鸦片泛滥成灾。In 1970, high-grade heroin and opium flooded Southeast Asia.

以前就有传言说迪伦曾经吸食过海洛因。There have been rumours that Dylan was involved with heroin.

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药物成瘾中以海洛因的成瘾性最强,脱毒后复吸率很高。Heroin addiction has a high relapse rate after detoxification.

对他们的指控包括搞海洛因走私的阴谋活动。The charges against them include conspiracy to smuggle heroin.

犯罪分子不会选择在你家当地的“制作一只熊”商店储存海洛因。They don't stock this option at your local Build-A-Bear store.