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典雅的金黄色泽。Nice Yellow-golden color.

他脸色红润,头发金黄。He was all rosy and blond.

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丛叶染得一片金黄。And the leaves went yellow.

何来金黄的谷穗?Where grows the golden grain?

金黄的油菜花在风中摇曳。Golden rape flower in the wind.

夕阳为大海披上了一件金黄的纱衣。Sunset to put on a golden sea of.

将牛肉卷放入油锅炸至金黄即成。Pan-fry in hot oil until golden brown.

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稻穗金黄。The ears of paddy are ripe and golden.

炸春卷直至金黄。Deep-fry the spring rolls until golden.

有金黄的麦芒和蓝色的姐妹。Since golden awns and blue sisters I have.

他们在金黄的稻草上乱滚。They roll around on the golden jackstraws.

浓烈的麦秆黄,色泽金黄。An intense, straw-yellow and golden colour.

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用2汤匙油将鸡扒煎至金黄熟透,上碟。Pan-fry chicken steaks in 2 tbsp oil until done.

秋天加利福尼亚的山丘会漫山金黄。The hills of California turn gold in the autumn.

放入鸡肉卷,炸至四面金黄。Fry the chicken roll until all sides turn golden.

金黄淡黄深红加带环。Golden yellow, light yellow, crimson, and ring on.

一大片金黄的稻子等着收割。A vast golden stretch of rice was waiting to be cut.

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这类超级病菌中,最常见的是“抗药性金黄葡萄球菌”。One of the most prevalent of these superbugs is MRSA.

阡陌纵横的田野,一片金黄灿烂。Crisscross paths on a farmland fields, a bright yellow.

一会儿以后,它完全变成了金黄,然后变成红色。After a short while, it was completely golden, then red.