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它适用于其作用域内的所有数据元素吗?Does it apply to all data elements in its scope?

在这个例子中,没有必要使用一个作用域内的代理。In this case, there is no need to use a scoped proxy.

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湘江在长沙市域内的长度约80公里。Xiangjiang River within Changsha is approx. 80 km in length.

不同光域内分生孢子器形成有显著差异。There was remarkable difference under various light treatments.

在QVT的作用域内,模型转换与MOF模型相关。In the scope of QVT, model transformation relates to MOF models.

在活动的作用域内创建的任务形成一个分层结构。A task created within the scope of an activity forms a hierarchy.

利用拉普拉斯变换,将定解问题转换到拉普拉斯域内求解。With Laplace transforms, the question can be solved in Laplace d.

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这个标记有助于描述其作用域内的所有数据元素是什么吗?Does this tag help describe what all data elements in its scope are?

在一组密钥所使用的涉及域内键和域间的密钥。The keys used in a group involve intra-domain keys and inter-domain keys.

这些广播域内的其他任何流量管理器都会发送一条响应。Any other traffic managers within those broadcast domains send a response.

本文研究了凸域内弦的平均长度。In this paper, the average length of the chords of a convex set is studied.

通过区域将路由分解为域间路由和域内路由两个部分。The routing is further decomposed to inter-area routing and intra-area routing.

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通过与气动力方程的联立求解,在时域内用四步龙格-库塔方法求解结构运动方程。The control surface motion equation was marched by Runge-Kutta method in time domain.

你将需要一种策略来辨别如何在当前的作用域内解析出对象。You will need a strategy for identifying how to resolve the object in the current scope.

当地的领导人,奔马先生说过他不允许在他管辖的域内存在基督徒。Mr. Bounma, the district leader has stated he does not allow Christianity in his district.

在互联网上,公共域内的材料可自由下载、复制和重复使用。On the Internet, material in the public domain can be freely downloaded, copied and reused.

计算域内两控制点和对应的验潮站实测潮位过程吻合较好。Good agreement between computation and measurement at two hydrographic stations is obtained.

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如果您的用户启用了弹出窗口拦截器,则应该允许在您自己的域内弹出窗口。If your users have enabled pop-up window blockers, they should allow pop-ups for your own domain.

在数学中经常要用到复变函数在极点邻域内展开的罗朗级数。It is widely used to develop complex functions into Laurent series at the neighborhood of a pole.

大致说来,在频域内有一个区域,在这个区域内用很小的力可以引起很大的响应。Basically, this is a region in frequency where it takes very little force to cause large response.