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他是一表人才,真是的!What a fine fellow he was, indeed!

我虽然说不上英俊潇洒,一表人才。Although I can not tell handsome, a talented.

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他有头脑,有野心,而且一表人才。He had the brains, the ambition, the good looks.

服务员长得一表人才算是酒店的最大亮点。The charming staff are the best thing about this hotel.

宋夫人点点头,“嗯,倒是一表人才。”The Sung madam arrays, "H'm, gush is one form gifted person."

这名年轻士兵穿上崭新的制服,看起来一表人才。The young soldier cut a fine figure in his smart new uniform.

博学多才,一表人才,开朗乐观,风趣幽默。Learned before, a table personnel, optimistic, cheerful, witty humor.

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他这时已是将近六旬的人,一表人才,高个儿,眉清目秀,头发又多。He was at this time in his late fifties, a tall, elegant man with good features and.

我希望我能为我儿子找到一名‘好妻子’,他要是一表人才,身体健康,还得体谅人。"I wish I could find a good boy for my son, " she says. "He must be nice, healthy and understanding."

男宾们都称赞他的一表人才,女宾们都说他比彬格莱先生漂亮得多。The gentlemen pronounced him to be a fine figure of a man, the ladies declared he was much handsomer than Mr.

他这时已是将近六旬的人,一表人才,高个,眉清目秀,头发有多又黑,略带花白,恰好衬出他那堂堂的仪表。He is nearly sixty, talent, high and his brows are clear and eyes are bald. His black hair with slightly griza just sets his handsome appearance off.

他这时已是将近六旬的人,一表人才,高个,眉清目秀,头发有多又黑,略带花白,恰好衬出他那堂堂的仪表。Nearly sixty years old, he is a handsome man with a tall figure and a refined makings despite his slims of grey hair which just define his imposing appearance.

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他这时已是将近六旬的人,一表人才,高个,眉清目秀,头发有多又黑,略带花白,恰好衬出他那堂堂的仪表。Now he is a man of nearly sixty, well featured, tall, clear-cut, with thick dark hair mingled with slight grayness, which just add to his dignified appearance.

他这时已是将近六旬的人,一表人才,高个,眉清目秀,头发有多又黑,略带花白,恰好衬出他那堂堂的仪表。Now he is a man of nearly sixty, well featured, tall, clear-cut, with thick dark hair mingled with slight grayness, which just add to the distinction of his appearance.

他这时已是将近六旬的人,一表人才,高个儿,眉清目秀,头发又多又黑,略带花白,恰在此时好衬出他的堂堂仪表。He was at this time in his late fifties, a tall elegant man with good feathers and thick dark hair only sufficiently graving to add to the distinction of his appearance.

他这时已是将近六旬的人,一表人才,高个儿,眉清目秀,头发又多又黑,略带花白,恰好衬托出他堂堂的仪表。He was at this time in his late fifties, a tall, elegant man with good feathers and thick dark hair only sufficiently graying to add to the distinction of his appearance.

他这时已是将近六旬的人,一表人才,高个儿,眉清目秀,头发又多又黑,略带花白,恰好衬出他那堂堂的仪表。He was at this time in his late fifties , a tall , elegant man with good features and thick dark hair only sufficiently graying to add to the distinction of his appearance.

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他这时已是将近六旬的人,一表人才,高个,眉清目秀,头发有多又黑,略带花白,恰好衬出他那堂堂的仪表。At the time, he is a man about sixty, well-featured, tall, finely-cut, the thick black hair mingled with slight greyness, which appropriately adds to his refined appearance.