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诊疗爱的创伤唯有加倍地去爱。There is no remedy for love but to lovemore.

事实上,医生提供不必要的诊疗反而不用多费口舌。Offering unnecessary care would, in fact, be faster.

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但是足病诊疗师劝说在赤脚跑步之前一定要小心。But podiatrists urge caution before running without shoes.

最后发现,在诊疗过程中至少被略过一个诊疗步骤的病人多于三分之一。In more than a third of patients, they skipped at least one.

下腰痛诊疗指南是美国内科医师学会和美国痛疼学会于2007年发布的。The LBP guidelines from the ACP and the APS came out in 2007.

他在三周的时间内,为这匹马进行了四次诊疗。He worked with the gelding four times over a three-week period.

他们之中有些接受过个性化诊疗训练,有些则没有。Some received training on individualizing care. Others did not.

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结论颊针疗法是一种新的微针诊疗体系和方法。Conclusion Buccal acupuncture is a new method of tiny needle acupuncture.

如果诊断结论能够导致过度诊疗和药物过量,那它就会必然会发生。If diagnosis can lead to overdiagnosis and overtreatment, that will happen.

为临床判断肾脏损伤部位及程度提供有利的诊疗依据。It is helpful in locating the site and defining the extent of kindy damage.

这个酒店新的温泉疗养区提供各种养生护理和诊疗服务。The hotel's new Spa offers every kind of rejuvenating treatment and therapy.

方法回顾性总结1953~1997年收治的40例颅外颈动脉瘤的诊疗经验。Methods 40 ECAA cases admitted from 1953 to 1997 were retrospectively analyzed.

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目的探讨经桡动脉途径进行冠脉介入诊疗的安全性和可行性。Objective To explore the security and feasibility of PCI through radial artery.

结论治病必求于本,诊疗必对其症。Conclusion Will seek medical treatment in this, clinics and their patients will.

宠物诊疗机构应运而生,宠物诊疗纠纷也相影如随。Pet hospital was born then, accompanied by pet diagnosis and treatment disputes.

目的观察碧兰麻在口腔诊疗中的麻醉效果。Objective To watch the narcosis effect of Primacaine in the oral cavity diagnosis.

小小的崩坏通常不需要兽医来为貂儿提供专业的诊疗。This is not normally an issue that needs professional treatment by a veterinarian.

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而且不仅如此,她还会一边为人诊疗一边一件件的脱掉她自己的衣服。And not only that, she does it while she disrobes, one piece of clothing at a time.

然而,对于寻求心理健康问题的诊疗却仍被视为是有损名声的事情。But there is still a real stigma attached to seeking care for mental-health issues.

多数的钱都花在了血管成形术、分流手术等手术诊疗上了。Much of it goes to pay for surgical procedures such as angioplasty and bypass surgery.