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其他信件则暗示了对法规的轻慢态度。Other missives suggest a cavalier attitude to the rules.

爱玛现在想象得出,为什么她的关心屡屡受到轻慢。Emma could now imagine why her own attentions had been slighted.

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华恩,愿我们再一次被提醒,神是轻慢不得的!Charis, let us be reminded once again, God is not to be profaned!

瓦妮莎竟没有在乎我对她男朋友的轻慢。It was a miracle that Vanessa didn't get upset over my slighting her boyfriend.

我认为还是不要慢待她的好。女人受到轻慢,怒火比地狱之火还要可怕。I don't think is it advisable to snub her. Hell has no fury like a woman scorned.

有时候,一个简单的深度,轻慢的湿吻就能让女人为你着迷。Sometimes, something as simple as a deep, slow, wet kiss can make a woman go crazy on you.

诗歌与诗学,是当今人类多元文化里不可轻慢的重要分支。Poetry and poetics are notable important branches among human multiple culture of nowadays.

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恶人为何轻慢神,心里说,你必不追究。Wherefore doth the wicked contemn God? he hath said in his heart, Thou wilt not require it.

那些随肉身,纵污秽的情欲,轻慢主治之人的,更是如此。But chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness, and despise government.

做儿女的,或如人子,从小时候就要亲近师友,不要轻慢无礼,要学会为人处事的礼节。As children or son of man like Jesus, you should respect your teachers and friends, and learn good manners.

因为对于美丽的畏惧,所以不敢唐突、不敢亵渎、不恨轻慢、不敢满足。Because for the fear of beauty, I am not abrupt, they dare not profane, do not hate the slighted, they dare not meet.

时至今日,人们乘坐飞机能轻易的飞越大西洋,轻慢地对待这宏大的水体如“池塘”。Today, people easily cross the Atlantic Ocean by plane and cavalierly refer to the great body of water as "the pond."

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虽然如今伊斯兰长衫下也时常透出涂了指甲油的脚趾,但阿富汗公众仍难以容忍对伊斯兰教的轻慢。Polished toenails might now peek out from burqas on Kabul streets, but the Afghan public continues to challenge any slight against Islam.

主说,你们这轻慢的人要观看,要惊奇,要灭亡。因为在你们的时候,我行一件事,虽有人告诉你们,你们总是不信。Look, you scoffers, wonder and perish, for I am going to do something in your days that you would never believe, even if someone told you.

但是,病毒仍然会有致命的可能,而且在不久的将来可能会变成以一种更可怕的方式致命,所以人们不应该轻慢,他补充道。But the virus can still be deadly and may change into a more frightening form in the near future, and so people should not be complacent, he added.

我们如果察觉自己一直在轻慢神,就必满面羞惭自咎,因为我们没有把他放在眼里。" When once we realize that we have been "disrespecting" God all the time, we are covered with shame and humiliation because we have not heeded Him.

福音的种子不宜以嘻笑轻慢的心看待,对别人灵魂深度的关怀,是成就主的教训及圣工所必须的。Our heavenly seed could not fitly be sown laughing. Deep sorrow and concern for the souls of others are a far more fit accompaniment of godly teaching than anything like levity.

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然而破题儿第一遭,她变得十分关注自己的症状,并且对她迄今一直冷漠轻慢的某些家庭成员开始有了感情。But for the first time she became absorbed in her own symptoms, and began to take a sentimental interest in certain members of her family to whom she had hitherto been contemptuously indifferent.