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只有天知道。God only knows.

只有天知道。Only God knows.

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举头三尺只有蓝天。Above us only sky.

只有上帝才知道。GOK God only knows.

我们只有哮喘。We have only asthma.

只有一个能占上风。Only one can prevail.

我只有在社交场合下才饮酒。I only drink socially.

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只有懦夫才无法应付。Only wimps can’t cope.

只有枯萎和死亡。Blight and death alone.

只有溶剂的摩尔数。I have moles of solvent.

只有神力才能打败它。It takes might to fight.

只有天地万物知道。Only the universe knows.

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当然,只有他们能够做到。Only they can of course.

只有内尔森-里瓦斯不能出场。Only Nelson Rivas is out.

只有人工作作为侍者。Only men work as waiters.

只有自然和孤独。Only nature and solitude.

只有儿子才能成为继承人。Only sons could be heirs.

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哭泣,只有你独自向隅哭泣。Weep, and you weep alone.

只有这样你才能活用它。Only then can you live it.

只有吃了药才能大便。Only when I take medicine.