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屋面防水工在用铁皮修补屋顶。The roofer is patching the roof with metal.

水荷载是水工隧洞的主要荷载。For a hydraulic tunnel, water load is the main one.

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最后给出了水工船作业稳性标准。The stability criterion for the working ship is suggested.

贮灰场或尾矿坝是属于专门水工建筑物。Ash disposal area or tailing dam is special hydraulic structure.

水管被脏东西堵住了,但水工很快就把它修好了。The drain-pipe was bunged up with dirt, but the plumber fixed it in no time.

冒顶塌方在水工隧洞施工过程中难以完全避免。Roof fall can not be completely avoided in construction of hydraulic tunnels.

半潜驳因其特殊的优点而在水工和海洋工程中被广泛应用。Semi-submerged barge is used widely in harbor engineering and ocean engineering.

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水工隧洞封堵堵头是水工建筑物的重要组成部分。The choke plug of diversion tunnels is an important part of hydraulic structures.

本文提出了一种分析锚杆和锚固基础上水工结构的半解析法。In this paper, a semi-analytic method for analysing the anchor foundation is proposed.

这些结果可以在水工结构可靠度设计与校核中参考。The results may be used for reference in reliability analysis of hydraulic structures.

本文研究水工结构整体安全性评价的变形能方法。Integral safety of hydro-structures are studied in this paper with strain energy method.

介绍了万家寨引黄工程的线路组成和水工建筑物布置情况。Wanjiazhai YRDP lines composition and layout of the hydraulic structures are introduced.

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本文通过水工模型试验,对水垫塘冲击区底板块表面及底面动水动力进行了测量。On the experimental model, fluctuating pressure on the bottom of plunge pool was measured.

研究地基土上水工建筑物抗滑稳定中存在的问题。A study on the anti-sliding stability of hydraulic structures on subbed soil has been made.

缩尺效应是影响水工模型试验精度的重要因素之一。The scale effect is one of important factors of influencing hydraulic model test precision.

重点研究水工泵送混凝土的配合比优化设计。The paper focused on the studying of mix proportion optimum design of hydraulic pump concrete.

冻蚀即寒冻风化作用,是寒冷地区水工混凝土构筑物主要冻害之一。Frost weathering is one of major frost damage for hydraulic concrete structures in cold regions.

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本文着重介绍了万安水利枢纽水工模型试验研究的主要成果。The main results of the hydraulic model study for the Wan'an Project are presented in this paper.

弧形钢闸门是水工建筑物中运用最广泛的门型之一。The radial steel gate is one kind of the most widely applied steel gates in hydraulic structures.

液化破坏是地震区水工建筑物造成失事的主要原因之一。Liquefaction failure is one of the main factors for the hydrostructure failure in the seismic area.