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我正忙着呢,别在这里碍手碍脚的。I'm really busy – stop getting in the way.

孩子们在假日里总是碍手碍脚的。Children get in the way during in the holidays.

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我根本无法工作,因为她老是在我面前碍手碍脚的。参考答案。I can't work at all. Because she is always in my way.

我做饭时不希望你们这些孩子在我这儿碍手碍脚的。I don't want you kids under my feet while I'm cooking.

把这东西放到另一间屋里去,免得它在这里碍手碍脚。Put this in the other room so as to keep it out of the way.

虽然他是想帮助我们准备晚餐,但他只是碍手碍脚。Although he meant to help us prepare the dinner, he was only in the way.

此外,指挥们往往非但不能鼓舞人心,反而碍手碍脚。On the other hand, conductors often aren't inspiring and just get in the way.

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三个月来,你除了闲坐在家里碍手碍脚之外,一事无成。You haven't done a thing for three months except sit around and interfere here.

一台笔记本几乎能包揽了我的工作,根本用不着像钢笔,纸夹,订书机之类碍手碍脚的东西。I do almost all of my work digitally, so really don't need pens, paperclips, or a stapler standing by.

伯爵离他只有几步远了,由于双手紧绑,所以奔跑得碍手碍脚,他不断地磕磕绊绊,终于摔倒在地上。The count was only a few paces away, running awkwardly because of his tied hands, when he tripped and fell.

我相信,只要我们团结起来,抛开让我们碍手碍脚的政治因素,我们的经济可以再次腾飞。And I am confident that if we come together and put aside the politics that keeps holding us back, we can do that again.

我来告诉你怎样做,我会给你做一个书架来安放这些书,这样它们就不会碍手碍脚,屋子就可以清理干净了。I tell you what I’ll do. I’ll build some shelves for them, so that they won’t be in your way, and you can have your house back.

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夫妇俩至少每月举办两次亲友聚会,亲友们可以自在地打成一片,不会被家具碍手碍脚。At least twice a month, the couple host gatherings of family and friends, who are free to mingle without being hemmed in by furniture.

但碍手碍脚的巴西政府似乎只让它的企业在某些领域参与国际竞争,而企业在这些领域拥有的自然优势令其近乎不可战胜。But Brazil’s obstructive government seems to confine its businesses to competing internationally only in sectors where natural advantages make them close to unbeatable.

这些事情你都可以做,而且不必觉得,理论好像一个旁观者,对你的研究碍手碍脚,指指点点。You can do all these things and you don't really have to feel as though theory is somehow or another standing on the sidelines sort of shaking its fist at you and wagging its finger.