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修剪、烫发。A trim and perm.

修剪然后烫发。A trim and perm.

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我要烫发。I'd like a perm.

您要烫发吗?Do you want a perm? ?

烫发如何起作用?How does a perm work?

我建议你可以烫发。I'd recommend a perm.

为什么要烫发?。Why we have our hair permed?

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美发电棒发式,辫髪,烫发。Iron dry, Braided hair, Wave.

我要稍稍修一下跟烫发。I'd like a light trim and a perm.

事实上,我在考虑烫发。Actually, I'm thinking about a perm.

但是,我觉得你不适合烫发。But I don't think perms are for you.

烫发的发型必须小心选择。Perm hair style must be treated with care.

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谢谢。你瞧,烫发又流行了。Thanks. Perms are back in style, you know.

发型设计店前等候烫发的海南青年。Some youths from Hainan Island await a perm.

过多的烫发和染发会对发质造成损害。Too much perming and coloring can be harmful.

螺旋烫发式看上去象是扭曲的螺丝锥。Spiral perm hairstyles look like twisted corkscrews.

噢,在我烫发的时候,我想修一下指甲。Oh, I also want a manicure while I'm having the perm.

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不过是一群烫发涂唇,骨瘦如柴的女孩。They are only skinny girls with the big hair and poofy lips.

这是烫发而且能比最初的问题更坏地看。This is permanent and can look worse than the original problem.

我想如果我现在烫发,到时候我的头发看起来会很自然。I think that if I have a perm now, I'll look very natural by then.